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My dad came inside and my mom closed the door

Dad choked me through my neck
I was not able to breath

"Leave me please" I said slowly
He put me back on the wall and said

"I hate to see you happy with Alex !!"
And he then choked me even more

I hit his hands to leave my neck
But he wasn't

He slowed his grip and my mom said "soon after we get this deal , I'm gonna make you're life hell"

My heart shattered in peices
What kind of mother says this to her child

"I hate you Jenna"
"I hate you too!!" I said raising my voice

He choked me more and suddenly the door opened

They both looked at the door and it was Alex
He left me and I slid down to the wall

He looked all that happened
He was choking me and he stopped when he saw Alex

I coughed so badly touching my neck and breathing faster and deeper

He dropped the file from his hand and walked towards him saying

"What the fuck , what were you doing to her ?"

He held his collar and said "what are you doing here and what were you doing to her ?"

My dad looked so nervous at that moment
"I-i was j-just talking to her" 

"Talking to her , you psycho you were not talking you were hurting my wife "

He looked at me , and then looked at the marks he made on my neck , tears falling down my cheeks and my red face

He looked so mad and aggressive at that moment "fuck , why did you do this , why did hurt my wife you moron"

He punched him so hard in his face , twice , thrice , mom tried to stop him but he won't
He was nosebleeding

She came close to me saying "what are you looking tell him to stop Jenna he's hurting your dad" but I just kept looking at her .

She kept her hand on my hand and grabbed it tightly saying "tell him to stop" , Alex held her hand from behind and made her face him

"You're a woman , please don't let me hurt you ,now get out of my fucking room , leave me and my wife alone "

She tired helping dad to walk and they both went out of the room , he locked the room and came rushing towards me

"Oh my god , are you okay baby ?" He asked
I looked at him and I hugged him so tightly

"Thank God you came at the right time , I would have been dead if you weren't here"

"I would never let anything bad happen , I'm sorry I wasn't there" he kissed my hands and looked at the marks

He made a aggressive face saying "he's such a asshole, why would a father do this to his daughter? Ughh I want to kill that son of a bitch" and he kicked the bed so hard

I looked at him and touched his cheeks
"I just want you , just you , would you ever leave me alone ?"

"Never , never baby " he said and then he brought some ice and cream for me

I sat on the bed and he rubbed the ice on my neck on the marks .

"It's so dark , he did that so harshly" I saw tears in his eyes felling down from his cheeks

I wiped it and kissed his eyes
"I'm okay now , I have you now !!"

He smiled softly and applied cream on it
"Take some rest we'll order dinner to our room"
I nodded and layed on the bed

"Until then I'll do the work I had to do"
"What ?"

"I'll be back soon"
"No where are you going , please don't leave me , what if they come and hurt me again?"

"I'm going for that only"
"No please Alex , I'll come with you"

"I said take some rest" he said in manly voice
I shivered and turned around on other side of bed

He came close and kissed my forehead "sorry , just take rest"

I turned around him and he again said "I'm so sorry , I'm so sorry "

He kissed my lips like a woodpecker
I blushed looking down and nodded "it's okay be back soon"

He nodded and then went

I heard the door slam and I was so panicked at that moment, I went and locked the room from inside so they don't come again to hurt me

I was wishing he would come back soon
I was laying on the bed and I just couldn't get him off my mind because I wanted him by my side coz I was really very scared at that moment

It had been 45 minutes and there was a knock on door , I rushed and looked though the peep hole

It was him , I opened the door and he came inside and locked the door

I smiled and hugged him tightly, so tightly that he got few steps backwards

He was giggling
"Woah , think you missed me too much"
"Yeah I did" I said in my crying voice

He looked at me and touched my cheeks
"Everything's gonna be okay now trust me , can you just talk to me about your past , so that I can take further step"

"What further step?"
"Maybe he will not be my partner now and I can break this deal , and try my own one with them"

I looked at him and I was confused what to say
Can I talk to him , but I don't even know him well

I tried thinking of that day when Alex and his family visited us and I was in the garden area on my swing with my panda in my hand

I remember him , he was sitting in the living room with his parents and he looked so cool at that moment like a teen boy

He looked smart and then our eyes met
I saw him for first time but It didn't really affect me at that moment but now it does

I looked at him and nodded
We both sat in the balcony on the sofa facing each other

I took a deep breath
"Don't worry , I won't let you regret this"
I nodded And I smiled softly

"But if it's bad , he's gonna have his rest of the life in jail , getting rotten in jail"

"I think I want that too" I said slowly
He touched my cheeks and then it was the time to tell about it

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