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I was 10 when I heard my parents fighting

My dad always wanted a boy also for his greed to maintain his company after he gets old

They didn't wanted a girl child
They never showed me love

Also they tried to have one child but because my mom had some problem , it didn't go well

Then my dad told about surrogacy , but mom didn't wanted it and then there were many fights about it

My mom used to get her anger off on me after there fights , she used to abuse me , insult me

Made me feel zero !!

I was 17.
Something terrible happened

My dad had a big deal and the clients were at our home they were having drinks

In sometime my dad came in my room and said "get ready , we're going somewhere"
"Where?" I asked

But he didn't reply
I got ready wearing a top and jeans

It was a club and it was not giving me good vibes

We were in a lift

"Dad I don't feel good I wanna go home"
But he didn't listen

"Uhm dad why are we here ?"
He looked at me
"Listen to me okay , it will hurt a little but I'll be okay "
I didn't understand

We went one room and then he left
"Dad where are you going ?"

There were 2 bodyguards they went outside and locked the door

I saw 2 big men beside me
They were smirking at me

I turned around knocking the door "open the door please open the door , let me out"

The men threw me on the bed and they tore my whole clothes

I felt so disgusting
I kicked them , slapped then but they were too strong

One of them went inside and I screamed out so bad , I felt so bad so bad

"Please stop it , please let me go , dad please let me out"

The other one went inside me I pocked my finger in his face but he held my hand and kept it on the bed , he choked me bad going faster and faster

"Don't call you're dad he can't do anything !!
He's a sleflish sin person "

They didn't stop I felt like I was dead
I wanted to die after all this happened

When they stopped I felt worse pain all over my body

They left the room before going that man threw a random cloth on me I was naked laying on the bed

I was not able to move
I was so badly hurt

I was depressed and traumatized from then
Not even my mom talked about it

I started having panick attacks from then on and I never trusted anyone from then on

Somehow I tired to survive in that house , but I cannot feel home there because no one cared about me

I packed my bag and stole some money from the locker
It was night , I sneaked in there room and took my dad's phone and transferred some money in my account too

I sneaked out of the room and ran to the train station
I sat in the train and reached at Boston

I was now 18 and I had to do graduation
So I applied for Boston University and I got admission there

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