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"Are you sure your Alpha is still here?" I ask, crept beside Blue and Mary in the forest at what seems to be a abandoned Jurassic World park.

"Maybe Betsy is here," Mary said.

"Who is Betsy?" I ask.

"We often call her 'Ty' short for Tyrannosaurus Rex and most of the time 'Betsy'," Blue said. "She is the veteran of the Island Nublar."

I glance side to side then sigh.

"I'll go check it out," I said, getting out of the forest.

Not a human life is in sight.

I warily take glances both ways being aware of any approaching dinosaurs other than Blue and Mary. Whatever happened at the end of Jurassic World sure left destruction all over the place. I saw a little Triceratops grazing off grass with a small harness on it's back and so there are other little miniature dinosaurs in the middle of the city. At least I think it is a city by all guesses.

Mary and Blue follow me.

"What is your Alpha's name again?" I ask.

"Owen," Blue said, stepping on a twig. "Owen Grady."

I go through the doors into a store that has broken tables, glass everywhere, and flipped over chairs. Remarkably the lights are still powered on. Insects are flying. I saw a little Compy hunting a flying insect swaying its tail from side to side staring intently on the target. Mary hums turning her head towards the threshold to the building.

"Looks more ugly every time I look at it," Mary said.

I leap over a counter landing on the floor.

"Careful!" Blue said.

"I m always care, 'Dad'," I said, mockingly.

"Don't pay with me, Milady," Blue said. "We are not of blood."

I get up with a smirk on my face.

"You don't have to be related by blood to be family," I said.

I go over to the phone with numbers on the right hand side. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"I want to call Owen Grady," I said, in a Dracula like voice.

"Call will be transmission," Came a machine reply.

I blink puzzled by the reply.

"How odd," I said.

"Hello," Came Owen's voice.

Take a deep breath and relax.

"Hai!" I start. "What happened to Indominus Rex? And why is there no one at Jurassic World?"

"It is dead," Owen said. "And second of all the park is closed."

I laugh.

"Funny thing about that," I said.

"Who are you?" Owen asks.

"A big fan of Jurassic Park," I said. "MEEP,MEEP,MMEEP!" I jump up and down squealing my over excited fangirl side off. "MEEEEEP!"

I did this for ten straight minutes.

Or maybe five minutes.

"That park has been closed," Owen said, after I stopped fangirling over this once in a lifetime moment.

I take a breath.

"Yeah," I said. "But here I am!"

"You can't be in Jurassic World," Owen said, in disbelief.

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