InGen discovers who

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I awaken feeling some one propping me up.

"Ooo," I groan, feeling my legs dragging against the wet dirt. "My head."

I aw a familiar face come to.

HOLY SLAGGING CUPCAKE; the face belongs to no other than Roland!

"Who brought you here?" Roland asks.

I gasp feeling no pain in my neck. Thanks primus for Little Foot for running me over, I thought in relief relaxing my shoulders. I realize then that two men are keeping me up and my eyes are so wide open considerably it might be shock. I can see flames dying down

"Er..." I said. "Er..."

"More like; who is her employer?" Ludlow said.

I raise my head up feeling the rain gently patting my shoulders.

"Hammond!" I said.

"My Uncle," Ludlow said, with a sigh. "Quite the naturalist he is. I should have known."

The guy from The Minority Report kicks a pebble into a small pond making a wave effect.

I can recognize him merely because of the side of his face highlighted by the partial moonlight and the dying flames. Four years since I have seen 'The Lost World:Jurassic Park' on the television set being wide and big.  Four years since I can skip the scene where the guy is killed off by the Compys just by the click of a button. It is as if the cameras caught his youth  then forever immortalized it on the silver screen for Jurassicies generations to come.

Ludlow seemed to notice my eyes glancing towards the man.

I don't remember his name.

"Oh, that's Dieter Stark," Ludlow said. "Our second in command."

"...I always associated Dieter to the Compys," I said in a low voice.

"What?" Dieter said, turning away from the pond towards me.  "What about The Compys?"

Remember you are from the future, I thought as Dieter approaches me.

"Er..." I said.

"Well, say it already," Ludlow said.

"Your livelihood plus Compys plus isolation," I said. "You do the math."

Dieter stares at me with a furious face.

"Are you saying I die?" Dieter said.

"Tomorrow," I said. "Downstream in a creek sometime at 12:00 PM to 12:15 PM."

"She is a lunatic," Ludlow said. "We have evidence to prove she is a runaway from Ireland and has spent time in a asylum."

"Or I am from Iceland," I said. "Who really is an alien capable of squashing your brains and making up brilliant lies off the bat. But wait, I ain't that guy.

"Which guy?" Dieter asks.

"If you manage to live after tomorrow, you might learn, Mr Stark,"  I said.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex's roar goes through the forest stirring Pteranodons from their sleep inhabited tree branches out into the sky.  The whole group froze in place as did the two men dropping me. I hear a 'cr--unch' from my glasses. I blink,  blink, and blink. No! No! No!, I thought, Not my glasses! I get up on my knee's taking off my glasses to see they have finally broken.

"Aw," I whine. "My glasses finally broke after 8 years."

I put the glasses into my pocket, hopefully they can get fixed and new prescription lenses can be given.

"She wasn't the only one," Ludlow said. "Knowing my Uncle...He probably sent other people to break free the dinosaurs."

"Uhh, could they be in danger?" Lenny pipes up.

Everyone faces towards Lenny.

"Who are you?" Roland said.

Lenny approaches Ludlow.

"One of the family members you paid twenty three million bucks for the death of Josh Lakeman," Lenny said. "I am his twin!"

Roland stops Lenny from throwing a punch at Ludlow.

"Easy there," Roland said.

"Don't be angry at me," Ludlow said. "That was my Uncle's fault."

"I am very good friends with your Uncle," Lenny said. "And I never wanted a bit of your money," I can hear a sense of fury in Lenny's voice. "The only things I used of it was for charity, taxes,buying groceries, and flowers for my  twin's tombstone!"

"Sorry for your loss," Ludlow said. "But did my Uncle send you here too?"

"I took no money from him," Lenny said. "I have enough to last me a life time!"

Ludlow frowns.

"Where are they, Miss Pond?" Roland asks.

"Follow the commotion,"I said. "You will find them easily."

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