Awake and alive

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Awake and alive, that is for sure.

"Ivy?" I hear a voice. "Ivy, are you here?"

Sounds like Josh.

"I am here," I said, weakly.

I realize I am covered by tree branches and leaves. Josh can't hear me. I move my hand around on the dirt. I move myself towards the right feeling a numbing to my left leg. I smack my right fist on the dirt feeling anguish in what horrible numbness. A smaller version of a animal I recognize came over me tilting their head. A large animal I recognize from Jurassic Park 3; it had lots of thick,bony armor on it's back. A small heavy club is attached to the tail. This dinosaur reminds me of a Torterra lacking grass and a tree.

The dinosaur nudges me making a unique sound.

I saw Josh with a flash light gliding over landing on my face.

Damn, it is so bright!

"Shoo!" I hear Josh. "Anky, shoo!"

Anky makes a baaw like sound turning away swinging his tail.  It was like a growl in a way.

"Momma!" Anky shouts. "One of the humans scared me!"

Anky runs off into the forest as Josh puts the flash light away into his pocket.

"Anky?" I ask.

"Short for Ankylosaurus," Josh said, picking me up in his arms.

"Quick," I said. "Go before Anky's mom gets here."

"I'll take my sweet time, no thank you," Josh said, wrapping three leaves around what is most likely a stump.

I wince feeling one leaf touching my inner part of the leg.

"Wait, why are you still on the island?" I ask.

"I love my job," Josh said, making a sturdy knot using the leafs.

Damn, Josh is good at multitasking; holding me while covering a wound!

Geeze, bugs must have done their job and made sure my leg didn't get infected. Fun fact; bugs larva can actually prevent you from getting infections when you are out in the open left in a desert or a forest with a wound. Another reason why Cowboys didn't live much after getting shot because they pried out the larva at every chance they got! Oh, there is even a episode from CSI Miami where that is proven where a ME is about to cut a woman to see how long she had been dead but Horatio stops her. Apparently Blow Flies larva saved the woman's life and so did Horatio.

"And that is?..." I ask.

"Being around Dinosaurs," Josh said, putting me into the back.

"And you are not even surprised Dinosaurs have reproduced!" I said.  "You are creeping me out."

"Comes with the job,"  Josh said, getting into the driver's seat.

"What job is that?" I ask.

Josh buckles up and starts the Jurassic Park Jeep.

"Triceratops's riding," Josh said as trees are sent crashing down to the forest floor.

Josh is acting so chill while driving off.

"You ride Triceratops to get hurt?" I said. "You are mad."

"No, more like horse back riding," Josh said.

"You shall die!" Anky's mother shouts.

Josh speeds the Jurassic Park Truck onwards.

"I SHALL NOT!" I shout back. "No thanks!"

I take out a box then throw it at Anky's mom's face.

Sheesh, I was in the moment!

It felt proper to do that.

"Ivy, do not hit the Ankylosaurus!" Josh sharply said.

"She is threatening to eat meee!" I shout back.

"Ankylosaurus are herbivores," Josh said, with a whistle. "Scaredy cat." 

Cue eye roll from Josh.


Josh takes a quick turn making Anky's Mom  land smack in the way of Crany (That is my nickname for the dinosaur).

"Pachycephalosaurus," Josh said. "I do not know where you came up with crank becoming a thing."

"I said Cranidos!" I said.

"I heard what you said," Josh said, speeding away while  Crany smacks his rounded bony head against the side of Anky's mom.

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