Decorate your ass with it!

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Koi just wanted to quickly grab a bowl of peanuts from the kitchen. When he returned to the main hall, he was puzzled by Zigz hanging up fairy lights. "What are you doing there...?", he asked skeptically. From the top of the ladder Zigz smiled at him: "Well, it's the nineteenth of December". Startled Koi checked his phone: "Right, it's Arrow's birthday". "Don't think I'd decorate the entire hideout for him. In a few days it's christmas", he meant and kept taking care of the lighting. Koi's look sank in: "Oh no, are we seriously celebrating that every year now?". "Don't be such a grinch and just accept it", was the only response. Huffing Koi dropped down in his hiding hole: "I ain't doing shit".

From the stairs above him Shark came down with an axe. Ilus followed him to the exit door: "You sure you want to go out into the forest alone? Will you find your way back?". He nodded and went on his way to chop down a christmas tree. Ilus turned to Zigz: "How's it going?". "Pretty well. Up until now I only pounded on my thumb two times", he waved around with the hammer. "Don't kill yourself now. You almost made it through the nine months", he encouraged him. With a wide smile he looked at him: "You have no idea just how excited and happy I am". "Keep going", he nodded.

Henry also came downstairs with a huge box full of decorations, couldn't see the steps because of it. It was only a matter of time until he slipped. But Ilus reacted fast enough to catch both his boyfriend and the box. Bashfully Henry smirked: "Thank you...". Softly Ilus kissed his foredhead and whispered: "Be careful". Underneath them they heard Koi gagging. Ilus growled at him: "What's your problem now?". "Oh, christmas. The holiday of love", the last word he emphasized with hatred and pulled a blanket over his head afterwards. Lucky leaned on the railing and tilted his head: "Japanese people celebrate christmas a little differently. Leave him be". Shota was of a different opinion, dancing to the main hall with tinsels around his neck: "One can adapt to traditions~ We don't have as much glitter back home". Henry was curious: "How do you celebrate christmas in Japan then?". "Not with your family and friends. Just you, your lover and chicken", Shota explained. Even Zigz twisted his look: "Chicken?".

There was a knock on one of the windows, where Dexter waved through wrapped in a scarf and mittens. Joyfully Henry went to open the door for him. With bags full of presents Dexter raised his arms and sang out loud: "Merry christmas~". Henry hugged him: "Not quite yet. But it's awesome that you could make it". "The airports in Russia really don't give a fuck", he shrugged off and approached Ilus, "Hi, to you a nice christmas time too. And thank you for your recommendation. Even my parents were surprised by the unusal travel destinations". Ilus too hugged him: "Same goes for you. I'm happy to hear about that". After letting go, Dexter looked around: "Where is the tree? I need to get these stored properly". He hinted at his presents. "Shark just went out to get one. Maybe you should follow him. Then he definitely won't get lost and you can see him sooner again", Ilus explained. "Good idea. Most presents are for Spencer, Henry and you anyway. Don't peek, alrighty?", he winked and was out in the cold quickly again.

From the side room Arrow came with wide eyes: "What's going on here?". Zigz rejoiced: "Christmas". "Ohohoho, then surely you've bought appropriate food, right?", he rubbed his hands. Ilus hadn't forgotten: "Not yet. But it's your birthday today. If you'd like, you can wish for something specific. Teddy and I wanted to go grocery shopping later on". "Huh... Yule log and cookies?", he grinned begging. Henry laughed: "We'll bake the cookies later on all together, but I'm sure we can get you a yule log".

Past them went Lucky, to which Arrow hid behind Henry. Arrow acted innocent: "I swear, I'm not eating that much anymore". "Still, I don't give a damn about your weight", Lucky rolled his eyes, "Ilus, I'll be out for about twenty minutes. Is that alright?". "As long as you'll be back for work", he nodded. Pensive Shota looked after him. Arrow noted: "I thought you were only into older- Oh shit". "Not so hasty there. I neither want him nor you", he stopped that thought, "I just feel like he's up to something". Ilus didn't make it his problem: "As long as he doesn't put us on fire".

Zigz got off the ladder and caught his breath: "That was one of the last one's". "Outside you've hung everything up?", Ilus asked to check. "Even the decorations on the roof. Only the stair's handle left", he nodded proudly. From his hole Koi muttered: "If any sort of knick-knack falls onto my work space, I'll rage". Henry rolled his eyes, went to the kitchen and came back after five minutes. Even if you hate christmas, no one could ever say no to a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Koi peeked past his blanket throwing looks at the sweet mug. Meagerly he looked at Henry: "Thanks". "Listen, you don't have to stress about this. If you don't want to celebrate, that's totally fine. You don't have to put ornaments up or even worry about getting presents for anybody. But will you eat together with us on the twenty-fifth?", he meant to be open. "I'll think about it", was the grinch's only answer.

Back at Ilus' desk Shota leaned on sighing: "He just can't get used to everything being about family and friends here. If you've had a girlfriend each year on christmas and then suddenly don't... It's too hard for him". Ilus understood: "Minding that each relationship has disappointed him, a lover wouldn't really help him now either". Henry sulked: "It's just too bad. I, in return, am used that you sit down with all your loved ones around this time. Sure I'm one to talk now, but you really don't need a partner for this holiday". Shota shook his head: "You are right, I agree with you. Basically it's only important to see that there are people who love and care for you. Even that I don't have here, but I adore all these colors". Arrow shrugged and joined Koi on his couch: "Yeah, I don't care too much about christmas. Oi mate, you up for a round of Smash?". For that the grinch was way more open.

Half an hour later everyone was back in the hideout. Last to enter were Shark and Dexter. While Dexter carried the axe, Shark pulled the tree inside. In the meantime, Zigz had finished decorating and wanted to warn both: "You should enter seper-". Strained Shark turned around: "Huh?". Dexter tilted his head: "Why?". Henry mentioned: "A truly brilliant idea to hang up the mistletoe above our main entrance". "We don't have many doors here. Should I have hung it above our community bathroom with all the toilets? Very romantic", he defended himself.

Dexter laughed at Shark's clueless stare. He shrugged it off and carried the tree further inside: "Forgot what that was". Ilus asked: "Teddy, would you like to go to the kitchen together with me for a glass of water?". Smirking Henry grabbed Ilus' head and kissed him liked that. After releasing him, he nudged his side: "Last year you put a warning sign for that thing up". Playfully Ilus rolled his eyes and put up a rule for everybody: "This tradition will please be ignored when multiple people need to leave through that door for a mission. Speaking of, shift starts in fifteen minutes. Prepare your things. Ya'll know the drill".

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