Veered off course

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At dinner Ilus reminded: "Group A chooses a devotee from the offense who can speak both Italian and English. Goup B keeps an eye on the Goose. But not too close or avidly, so he'd catch us again". Since they were in the middle of the dining room, they couldn't just yell out loud "Yes, Chef!", they nodded eagerly instead. They got up from the table and dispersed in a way they didn't look grouped. Later on, they waned to meet up as a team. In group A were Teddy, Shark, Lucky and Koi; in group B were Ilus, Zigz, Dexter and Kiki - so she had something to do too.

In the phase of dispersion, all were so focused on their actual goal that they entirely lost track of other things. That resulted in Lucky and Koi bumping into a woman. They apologized quickly and went along already. But Lucky took a second peek at her and smiled quietly to himself: "Gorgeous...". Of course Koi noticed: "Did you just-?!". Grinning with a very light blush Lucky returned to their mission: "Let's keep moving". But the best friend immediately jumped into his wingman-role and ran after the woman: "Excuse me, one moment please!". "Koi", he spoke threateningly, but it was way too late.

Simultaneously Teddy walked around a corner, looked and wondered: "Where did they go...?". Shark he had found already. With Ilus in group B, everything went as planned. They found the Goose and went into a square formation, to always keep him surrounded. Right away a suspicious behaviour was noticeable. He looked around anxiously or checked the time and couldn't sit still. His colleagues and workers thought it was because of the party on the coming day and him being excited. Ilus couldn't help but smile in his hinding spot, as he saw his target in fear. The B-group remained in a constant call to always exchange information. Kiki asked at one point: "Why didn't we use Shark for this task, actually? With enough effort, he could understand all of these bimbos". Ilus answered coldly: "So Teddy has emotional support with his bimbos".

As if Ilus knew, Teddy growled while tapping around on his screen: "Not even two minutes! Where did they run off to?!". Shark feared: "With Koi's bad luck, maybe they got kidnapped". "Please don't say things like that", the vice-chef tousled through his hair. But there was nothing to worry about, since Koi hid behind a plant while observing Lucky with the woman - Like a National Geographic documentary on some mating animal pair. Ilus called Teddy just to check on him: "You guys doing fine?". He laughed: "Well, I think we are. Those two like to cross our lines, but you'd know best". "Do you need more help? Should I send Zigz over? You sound stressed", he asked. -"Oh, not neccessary. You probably need as much people on your team as possible". -"We're actually doing really well. I promise, Zigz won't start a fight with Lucky". The call ended Teddy couldn't say more than: "Oh-oh".

Lucky asked: "And what's your name?". "Roseanne", she said meagerly. "How interesting, 'cause ethnically your name doesn't seem to fit. Where are you from?", he remained curious. She explained: "South Korea, my parents were just fans of the modern things. What about you?". "I'm from Ireland, but let's leave my name out of the game for a little while, alright?", he smiled mysteriously, "Oh, South Korea. Such a pretty country, too. Maybe I can convince my best friend to go there on vacation some day". "Your best friend seems quite special", she pointed his plant-hiding-spot out. Koi waved off whispering: "I'm not here, just don't pay attention to me!". "What would the world be without the crazy ones? We fulfill each other really well", Lucky smirked.

Roseanne wasn't impressed: "May I ask why I'm getting your attention?". "You look stunning", he shrugged self-evidently. "My job's saying something else. I already got a warning from my boss because I don't reach enough customers with my flat body - none, actually", she sighed. Lucky had to laugh: "Okay, you're a stripper. This conversation got really interesting all of a sudden. But I can't imagine you not getting any customers. If I've learned one thing, then that size doesn't matter. I mean, I do have to add that my taste is very specific". "Picky, eh? Then I feel double the honor", Roseanne started to warm up, "I'm just wondering if I should feel offended by the word specific". "Nah, it's basically just three things I get weak with easily - Asian, dyed hair, and tattooed", he waved off. To his luck, Zigz had just joined.

Smiling Roseanne brushed through her white-dyed hair with her tattooed arm, but Zigz heard it from a different perspective and cleared his throat: "Ahem". Lucky flinched, stressfully shut his eyes and clenched his fists: "Why...?!". Zigz spoke into his phone: "No worries, Ilus. I've got everything under control". Afterwards, he touched Lucky by his shoulders: "Do I have to add anything to this, or...?". Koi jumped out of the bush and rebuked Zigz: "The fuck are you doing?! It's so rare this young man finds a liking in somebody and you destroy everything! Aren't you ashamed of stomping on his love life?!". "Pardon?", he raised an eyebrow.

While being so close to choking him out, Chef heard everything through the phone - So did all who were in the call. He tiredly rolled his eyes and suddenly raised his voice: "Koi, let him live! Zigz, what's new?! Lucky, get your ass back on work, because you have enough free time on this ship where I don't deny you anything! Just stick to the plan once, for god's sake!".

He heard a punch from his phone and asked: "Who and what was that?". Teddy admitted: "Shark and I found somebody by ourselves, who could get useful for our plan. We just took him down and are going to hide him in one of our cabins". Finally Ilus was able to relax: "I can always put my trust in you...". Shark was audibly offended: "Hey...". "I'm very grateful for you too, big boy. Also that you left your pets home to not be distracted now", he sighed. "Exactly", he huffed, "I never get praised".

The trouble settled and Roseanne smiled at Lucky: "You mentioned you're busy with work and I was on my way to the buffet before it closes. Tomorrow's another day, right? We'll meet again". Lucky waved after her: "Yeah, see ya tomorrow". To spare Zigz' comments, he continued the mission without a word. All worked together now.


Ilus wanted to write down all collected information of the day in peace and orderly. Otherwise, he could've held a meeting where everyone was over-tired and misunderstood. So he sat at his minimalistic desk of his suite and peeked through the curtains out the window. The luxury liner stopped in Ibiza and he just had to grit his teeth as the drugs were loaded off. If they'd attacked and prevented the deal, the following days would've crashed into chaos. So he took a deep breath and repeated the same word over and over again in his head: "Patience". Yet he couldn't help but feel guilty - All the people he couldn't save this time.

His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door. Since he didn't expect any visitors at this time of night, he carefully took his revolvers and slowly approached the door. Teddy was currently in the shower, it couldn't have been him. Ilus tried to listen for clues, whether there was a threat outside the cabin. Instead the polite knock, which kept the peaceful silence, turned into hammering and an annoying: "Ilus! Ilus! Ilus! Ilus! Ilus! Ilus! Ilus! Ilus!". Relieved he put his guns aside and opened the door: "Good evening, Koi".

He just walked in: "Listen, I thought about something". "Oh no", Ilus' shoulders dropped, as he shut the door. "I swear, it's something good this time", he assured, dropped onto the double bed and opened his laptop, "Tomorrow is the party of this Zetticci, but he's really tense at the moment since he knows he could've been caught. I have the slight misgiving that Zetticci won't want to have us on his ship, especially not during his anniversary. It's quite possible he's currently boarding a serial killer and tomorrow we'll die. So I'm trying to hack his data right now, to be best prepared".

"And why are you on my bed for that? You know that Teddy and I sleep in there. You really wanna lay there?", he twisted his look. Koi countered: "I'm laying in your bed. You really wanna sleep in here later?". "Why are you not in your room?", Ilus repeated the more important question. -"Chef should be aware. You said you're writing down every single little thing about this process. Besides, you have a better internet connection". -"So it's because of our WIFI. At least you stopped trying with the lie that you would've missed me. By the way, why didn't you put Lucky on a leash and drag him with you again?". -"How dare you accusing me of that? He's asleep already, I won't disturb him".

Koi added: "Also... for hacking... I'd need some help with Spanish. So I'm here for a good reason". -"In how far am I supposed to help you?". -"I dunno, you're European". Ilus squinted as he was lost for words.

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