Sniffing on course

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Dexter asked into the round: "Why are all of you wearing such fine suits?". Ilus explained: "Our cover is business-men". He remained silent shortly, but then Dexter questioned: "This is a vaction liner". "We're wearing suits now and got nothing else on us, alright?!", he raised his voice. Running late, Lucky and Koi joined, though Lucky pressed an ice pack against his head muttering: "Sorry... Just got up...". Chef let them off the hook: "You're still on schedule. I was about to start talking about further instructions. The problem is that we barely have any information - Who is good and who's evil? Who is knowingly involved? Where are the drugs hidden? And what do we have to do, to not only take over this ship, but also eradicate the whole company?".

Zigz concluded: "Means, we're going on lookout?". "Exactly. And I know you guys. Zigz, for once you're an exception, which surprises me. But I know that the rest of you likes to accidentially forget what we're currently on. I expect from you to stay focused. And I'm warning you", threatening he raised his finger.

Afterwards, he got up: "I told you some lead-questions to concentrate on. Teddy and I will be searching on deck B. You'll disperse across the leftover decks. Scatter!". "Yes, Chef!", with those words they left their suite. It got dark outside, which Ilus noted to Teddy: "Most travellers will be at dinner or taking part in the evening programms. We've got good chances of keeping our cover. Especially in the shadows". Teddy looked down on himself: "My white suit says no". -"It wasn't my choice". -"Oh, like hell, of course it was. I wanted to take the dark blue one".

Dexter left Shark alone: "I'm so sorry, but I've got a huge hunger and am going to professionally search for hints at the buffet". Shark held his thumbs up: "Good luck" and went to look for Zigz. But he had sneaked into the engine room to find the stored drugs. He kept himself hidden and could barely understand between all the rattering what two workers were saying: "The first load-off was changed to Ibiza?". -"Monacco blew the deal off. Now Ibiza is offering even more since there's more stash. We wouldn't get rid of them otherwise". -"Is Francesco aware?". -"He's got everything under control". And despite the loud machinery and heavy accents, Zigz wrote along every word in his pocket-sized notebook.

He just startled with a high-pitched scream as he was tapped by Shark from the shadows. Rapidly Shark held his mouth shut and the workers seemed alarmed: "What was that?". -"Probably the gears. They haven't been oiled up in a while". -"Fucking hell. Can't the dickheads at the shipyard do their jobs right?". Zigz gave Shark a bad look: "Don't sneak up on me like that!". "Excuse me. Next time I call your name loudly", he got sassy. -"Have you found something yet?". -"Yes, somebody lost five cents". -"Found something out?". -The ship captain is stepbrother of Iceman". A shock thrilled down Zigz' spine: "Then we must be hella careful! Come on, we have to warn Ilus!".

The exact opposite of their conclusion they found by a piano on deck A, where many people watched Koi play the massive instrument. Panicking Zigz almost ripped his own hair out: "Since when can he play?!". His question was legitimate, since Lucky also gaped with his mouth hanging wide open. Soon the music piece was over, where Koi dropped his head onto the keys all depressed. As this caused a lot of attention, Zigz took over control by dragging Koi away from any filming phones. Lucky and Shark followed them. Enraged Zigz asked: "I know, you're Asian, but where did you suddenly learn how to play the freaking piano, when before your only musical talent was rapping?!". Dull he explained: "Back when Shota left Japan for college, he taught me exactly two songs. I practiced them every day until I could fly after him". "How beautiful, but now you've drawn lots of attention to yourself. We can be glad we're not really known across Europe", he kept running.

When they finally found Ilus and Teddy after half an eternity, Zigz immediately informed out of breath: "Chef! The captain of this ship is Iceman's stepbrother!". A confused "Who?" was not the response he expected. "At least Shark said so", Zigz added by pointing at his colleague. "Great for him", Ilus shrugged, "We never talked to him. At all, I'm just right now finding out that this ugly tick has a stepbrother. He's probably glad himself that Iceman's dead. I don't think there has been a single person who cried over this pedophile rapist. Any other information?".

"Uh... yeah...", puzzled Zigz rummaged around in his pockets and showed Ilus his notes. That satisfied him more: "Looks pretty good so far. Teddy and I were actually able to sneak into an office where we found many things out about some involved parties. We know exactly who's a civilist and who's our enemy. Now we just have to figure out how we can stop this commerce once and for all".

Teddy added: "We fear that the whole shipping line has made their hands dirty. Plan A would be to march into Italy with the whole gang to slaughter this entire cooperation. That would be highly time-consuming and complicated. We already had to trick around to get our small weaponry through airport security". Lucky asked: "What would plan B look like?". "Gather as much information as possible, enjoy the seven days of luxury and let the police do their job. But then we'd have a big fat minus on our calculation as we won't regain any money for this trip", he told, not really convinced.

Zigz cleared: "Then we definitely have to find out whether we have the whole cooperation in on this, first of all. So we can figure out the best way to act". Ilus already said goodbye: "Yeah, we'll start with that tomorrow". "What now?", his look dropped. -"We all fucked up our sleep schedules and are tired. Besides, Teddy talked me over to use the later hours in the evenings for resting. So you may thank him".

The ambitious one didn't like hearing that: "We've got work to do! We can't allow ourselves to make any mistakes and always have to be woke about new information!". "Have fun~", he just heard him echoeing down the hallways. Zigz' shoulders dropped: "We... have to give it our all...". Shark pulled him away: "Ilus said we should have fun. So go have fun". Lucky eyed his best friend, who stood there like a sopping potato sack: "What are two young bachelors like us going to do on a pretty night like this? I heard there's a casino on this ship. You should try to keep me away from it and protect me from addiction fall-backs". "I want to go to sleep... forever...", Koi dragged his feet forward. "Fishhead said tomorrow you should be alright again. The side ffects shouldn't be taking so many days", he tumbled after him.

Someplace entirely different, Shark and Zigz found an activity for themselves. Shark wanted to be courteous: "You pick something". Zigz' eyes lit up: "They have a disco here". "Disco it is", with that they had a plan and the taller one dragged his friend along the decks. Though Zigz wasn't too comfortable with putting work aside, they still danced along the rhythm. Kiki was also there, but they didn't notice each other's presence at first. Just when an unfamiliar young woman in a tight black dress approached the two men, Kiki saw them - Which was bad timing.

Her lashes twinkling in the colorful lights, the woman adressed the men: "Hey there, boys. Do you think one of you could show me the way to the restrooms? Or perhaps both of you?". Zigz could smell the trouble and noticeably played around with his engagement ring: "Yeah, I think we can drop you off". Shark stayed away from strangers at all times. Yet it didn't keep Kiki's sharp eyes to see and she closely walked up to the woman's back: "The bathroom's are right over there. I can take you". Zigz heard a clicking of a gun and calmingly brushed over Kiki's shoulder: "Easy there, darling. I think she'll find her way herself". Once more Kiki scrutinized the woman, who stood there frozen, and said: "I don't think so... Follow me!". She ordered all three of them.

In the restroom, Kiki made sure that all the stalls were empty. While Zigz asked: "Darling, what are you doing?", Shark had other worries: "We aren't allowed on woman's toilet". After Kiki assured that the area was clear, she directly aimed her gun at the woman's forehead: "Who's your boss?". She raised her hands, but she only countered: "Who are you?". "The ones to write your death sentence if you won't tell us all the little secrets of your business. You should try harder at hiding your tiny plastic bags, by the way. Talk!", she demanded.

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