Chapter 4: Visions

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She didn't want to be in the house alone anymore, so she tried her best to find a job.  At this point it didn't matter where she went to work.

She had previously worked as a secretary in a doctor's clinic, and now she didn't care if she worked as a store clerk, she just wanted out of the house even if it were for a few hours a day.

Jamie felt as if something was playing with her, with her mind.  Hearing things, and even seeing things.  Even the occasional nightmares that plagued her at night, and it wasn't even her now, Jacob was experiencing those as well.

But he didn't spend as much time at home as she did, maybe if the house was haunted whatever was there could be playing with her alone.


Taking a sip of her coffee, Jamie sat at the island, tapping her index finger on the cup.  Her nails making a small sound as they did so, she looked out the window in the kitchen, even though it was so bright and sunny that morning, to her it felt like such a dark and gloomy day.

'These aren't nightmares anymore!' She thought to herself as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose.

Those nightmares, that were merely dreams, now seemed to have followed her to reality.  Or could it be that the nightmare scared her too much that she couldn't stop thinking about it?

But how else would she be able to explain the sounds and even the scents lingering behind?

Her recent dream was one that always terrified no matter how brief it was, spiders.  Jamie had an undying fear of spiders no matter what size they were, and her recent dream consisted of spiders.

Spiders that crawled onto her as she laid unmoving on the bed unable to brush them away and unable to jump out of the bed.

She could still feel the spiders' legs walking over her arms and face.  She had woken up crying that night only to find that the covers were covered in a dark layer of spiders crawling on the bed when she turned on the lamp light on the nightstand.

She screamed which caused Jacob to wake up with a panic and quickly turning towards Jamie to check on her, but once she had addressed the spiders, they were gone.

"It was all just a dream.  It's okay." Jacob had told her trying to reassure her even though she knew and felt that it wasn't just a simple dream.  He held her in his arms until she was finally able to fall asleep once again.

Jamie opened her eyes and looked down at her cup, her coffee already lukewarm, she saw her reflection staring back at her.

Taking one last drink of her coffee, she emptied it out in the sink and put it into the dishwasher along with all the other dirty dishes.


He didn't want to worry her more than she was already, but if he were honest, Jacob had been experiencing some of the things that his wife had told him about.

At first, he had brushed them off as having to do with moving into a new house and new town, with having to accommodate to the new environment.  But that wasn't the case.

The moment that he knew that something was definitely wrong was.  Two weeks into having moved in.

Jacob had been putting the coffee filter in the coffee machine to make himself a coffee late that morning.  As he did so, he heard a loud sound coming from the front of the house.

"Jamie."  He called out as he walked over and poked his head out of the kitchen waiting to see her figure, but nothing.

He waited for a few seconds then heard a few gasps, and pained groan.  Jacob quickly ran out of the kitchen towards the sound.

"JAMIE!" He yelled out as he saw his wife's figure laying on the ground, gasping for air as tears formed in her eyes.

"What happened?!" He asked not expecting an answer, he pat his pocket for his phone, but he didn't have it, "Damn it, it's in the kitchen!" He got up, "I'll be right back, I'll call for an ambulance." He stood up, and just as he did the front door opened.

He turned around, his mouth opened ready to tell whoever it was to call for help, but those words seemed to have gotten stuck in his throat at what he saw.

There in the doorway was his wife.  In the same dark blue jeans, purple shirt as had seen just seconds ago as she laid in the ground in pain.

He quickly turned his gaze back to the ground, there was nothing.

"What." He muttered out to himself not believing what had happened.  He looked up at Jamie, "Where were you?" He asked his voice cracked as he looked back at his wife standing and looking perfectly fine.  He could feel his eyes prickle and sting as he looked at his wife walk in and close the door.

"I was outside getting my purse.  I forgot it in the car." She told him as she walked over to him, "What's wrong?" She asked him as she stood in front of him and kneeled in front of him where he stood unmoving.

He swallowed, his throat feeling painfully dry, "Nothing." He tried to smile at her, "I'm just a bit tired." He ran his hand over his dark brown hair nervously as he turned his gaze away from her, "I just need some rest." He continued.

Jacob knew that something was wrong, not with him, but this house.  He had never in his life experienced this before, and now all of a sudden not long after moving into this new house of theirs, things started to happen.

These dark visions, ones he feared and seemed to appear every so often, didn't stay at home.  They followed him to work.


These visions were silently eating away at their sanity, at least to them it felt so.  Every corner felt like a nightmare.

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