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River's POV

FP2 was done and I was sitting outside the Red Bull hospitality with my laptop, at my usual table but without my notebook.

I didn't text my mystery guy anymore, it probably was Nate who just pretended to be a whole lot nicer do get some pussy because the number didn't text me anymore.

"River" Christian said as he sat down as well, he pushed my laptop close. "Christian"

"I've heard that you made a scene in the Mclaren garage" word traveled fast in the paddock. "I did what needed to be done"

"He told Zak that you tried to kill him in Monaco" I snorted a little at his comment. "Trust me, if I wanted to kill him then he would be dead"

Christian sighed. He wasn't worried that I was lying, he was worried because he knew I was actually telling the truth.

"Can you just behave for a second? You're a grown woman and you're still behaving like a child" he raised his voice a little, but I was sure a lot of people heard it.

"Don't worry, I'll be a good little girl" I lied. I would never let a guy walk all over me. "Thanks" he smiled and got up.

I rolled my eyes and opened my laptop again.

"I hope you were lying" someone said, his hands were on my table and he leaned down. I looked up, facing Lando.

"About what?" I asked. I let my eyes travel over his body. He got changed, he wasn't wearing his usual Mclaren teamkit, instead he was wearing a white buttoned-up shirt and jeans.

He took his sunglasses off, so he was looking at me. "About being a good little girl"

"Were you eavesdropping Mr. Norris?" I raised one eyebrow and crossed my arms.

He didn't answer, instead he just laughed and leaned closer. "Get up"

I frowned. "No, I have to work" I pointed at my laptop. Why was everyone disturbing me?

"I won't ask twice" he said as he turned around, putting his sunglasses back on.
I looked around, Christian was looking at me, at us.

I love annoying him and nothing would annoy him more than me walking out with Lando.
I closed my laptop, grabbed my stuff and ran after Lando.

"Oh, I see you decided to join me" he chuckled. "I have nothing else to do anyways" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought you had to work?" He tilted his head a little. He got me there.

"We will beat you even without a decent strategy" I nudged him a little, hoping he would understand that I was joking. "So your job is useless?"

I couldn't help but laugh. He was the only one who could handle my banter. "Don't tell Christian though"

He started laughing. "Your secret is safe with me"

We walked outside the paddock together and walked passed Nate. He was walking out at the same time and if eyes could kill, both of us would be dead.

But why was he mad at Lando? He didn't do anything wrong?

"We fired him" Lando explained as if he could read my mind. "He said I tried to kill him" I laughed.

"I know, I can't stand liars" Lando looked back at him. "How did you know he was lying?" It was not as if he could trust me after everything I did.

"Firstly, you would've killed him if you wanted" he looked back at me. "And secondly, he said you were bad in bed"

So he thought I was actually good in bed. Interesting.

He stopped in front of a car, which I assumed was his car. "Get in"

"Are you kidnapping me?"

He laughed and unlocked his car but he didn't answer once again.

I might regret this, but I actually wanted to know what he had planned.

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