Chapter Thirteen |• My Love Mine All Mine

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It was late into the night, everyone was spread out around the abandoned warehouse, sleeping in separate parts as they all clinged onto warmth, only having the clothes on their backs as they curled in on themselves

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It was late into the night, everyone was spread out around the abandoned warehouse, sleeping in separate parts as they all clinged onto warmth, only having the clothes on their backs as they curled in on themselves.

Bucky was the only one that seemed to be awake as he could hear both Steve and Sam snoring away in the darkness.

What troubled him was that Maggie hadn't made any noise or movement the whole time she was asleep, him only being able to sense her shallow breaths.

He was plagued awake by bad memories and a headache, he always seemed to have a headache grown whenever he got out of his Winter Soldier mode.

Hearing a sniffle come from the direction Maggie was in, the first noise that she'd made all night, Bucky brushed it off at first until he heard her begin moving around.

Looking over in her general direction Bucky heard her breathing pick up, not long after a cry releasing from her throat.

That certain almost familiar cry set something off in him, his body reacting on its own accord as it raised from his position and began to walk towards where Maggie was sleeping.

Kneeling down next to her this gave Bucky some kind of deja vu! Feeling as if he'd been in this similar position before.

He couldn't remember much of his time in Hydra, it all only coming back to him in forms of nightmares, which was probably the same for Maggie was all he could think.

When Maggie then began to thrash around in her sleep, letting out more throaty cries is when Bucky fully sat himself down, leaning his back against the wall and pulling her into his lap.

He began slowly stroking his fingers through her dark long locks, liking the tingle it gave on his fingertips and he got a gut feeling that he used to do this a lot before.

He didn't know what impulsed his mouth to open or where he picked this tune up from, like his unconscious mind took ahold of him as he sang softly.

"So when I die, which I must do! Could it shine down here with you!", he continued to pet her hair, his eyes closing for a second as he tried to reminisce on this particular feeling.

"She's my love, she's mine all mine!", he brought his eyes back down onto the beauty laid across his lap, though what shocked him was that Maggie also sang at the same time as him, only with a slight word change.

"He's mine all mine!", she croaked at the same time as him, eyes fluttering as she peaked them open and met his gaze.

Blue on Blue, the different shades of their eyes making the color seem completely different when out side by side.

Bucky's appearing more colder while Maggie's held that bit of warmth in color, though alike they had a sense of familiarity crossing between the connection, like they'd done this a million times before.

Only neither set could remember these million times, being left frustrated and confused on how they felt as if they knew this person inside out but couldn't remember how they did, it was infuriating!

That infuriatingly familiarity is what most likely lead to this moment of exploration for the two, Bucky taking the first move and leaning down close to Maggie's face.

Feeling each others breaths hit one another's breath as they stared deeply into each others eyes for any sign or indication of denial.

Getting none from the woman, Bucky feeling more confident leant down closer and closer until he was a hair strand away from kissing her, stopping himself once more to look unsurely up into her eyes.

Maggie's. information was given when she took the initiative and leant up herself, both people's eyes fluttering closed as the distance was met, their lips meeting.

Sparks went off in their minds, ones of joy as a fuzzy feeling spread around their whole bodies, warming them up in the cold warehouse. Their bodies seeming to rejoice at the contact that it craved.

It was short and sweet, the two pulling apart and once again just seeing each other. Not feeling as if they need to say anything at all after the kiss, just feeling complete.

Bucky didn't want to admit it, but he liked it and Maggie seemed to like it too, her breathing slowing down once more and her cries silencing at the soothing feeling, snuggling more into Bucky's lap, eyes closing once more as she fell back asleep.

Bucky continuing to pet through her hair as he breathed in deeply, leaning back into the wall behind him, using his other hand to trace along her face, not wanting to forget her again as he drifted off.

My Love Mine All Mine | Mr & Mrs Barnes ~ Book 1 (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now