Tired (CA x TX)

72 3 0

Request by:  @Angel_Brooklen3 


California noticed Texas seemed even more irritated then normal 

Pov: Texas (kinda both..)

Texas was about to leave the statehouse for the day his eyes drooping a little to go work in his fields when someone bumped into him gently, just grazing his arm"Ay! Watch it!" He snarled snapping his head to face the other state "Geez, What the hell dude I hardly touched you" The other state  (which turned out to be Cali) said seemingly annoyed but Texas noticed a small amount of concern shown in his eyes although Cali just rolled his eyes breaking the look walking away after taking another bite of his avocado toast. Texas turned back to the front door his face turning a gentle pink before scoffing and cracking his neck and walking to his pickup and driving over to his actual house away from the statehouse struggling to keep his eyes open as he drove luckily his house wasn't to far of a drive and He barely managed to hold his head up before he reluctantly chose to rest instead of go back to work oh how disappointed some of his relatives would be with him at the moment.                                                     Texas flopped onto his couch flapping his left hand on the footstool in search of the TV remote "Gosh I really should be working" Texas muttered to him self but after he attempted to stand back up and his legs nearly gave out on him he dropped back onto the couch and turned through a few channels before stopping on 'Paw Patrol' (Idk man)                                    

He watched for a while getting surprisingly into the plot. Texas heard his doorbell ring and reached for the remote and quickly paused the show. Pulling the pocket knife out of his jeans and tucking it in his fist slowly working his way over to the door his legs protesting but he got to it after a little while peering out the window through the blinds and seeing and unmistakable flannel and red beanie wearing man standing on his steps. Texas sighs 'Not this guy' he thinks opening the door slightly "What do you want?" Texas deadpans stuffing the knife back into his pocket, Cali takes a deep breath 'Well I'm already here' he thinks regretting going to Texas's house "it's just that like...you seemed agitated earlier and i just wanted to check up on you" California said eyebrows slightly creased in mild worry "Nope i'm fine, bye." Texas tries to slam the door but Cali slid his black leather boot into Texas's house smirking at the other. Texas groaned "I said i'm fine!" Texas said exasperated "I don't believe you" Cali said pushing the door open farther letting himself in sort of shocked at how little force Texas hade used to hold the door closed, in fact Texas stumbled a little before catching his footing he cleared his throat and hobbled over to his couch 'Oh, poor guy...' Cali thought walking over and sitting down on the couch crossing his legs glancing over at the screen and chuckling "Paw patrol, ay?" Cali teased softly causing Texas's face to flush a pink-ish color "H-hey! I thought you were here to 'help' me, not judge the Tv i watch" Texas barked back crossing his arms "No, no, your right, i just find it a little sweet i guess" Cali mumbled the second half of his sentence "Sweet?" Texas questioned wrinkling his nose and eyes "Yeah you act all high and mighty half of the time so to see you watching a kids show is well...sweet" California explained "Still" Texas restored pouting slightly. California smirked "So, anything you need me to help with?" He asked calmly "Uhh, Not really but company would be nice even if it's you" Texas said trying to sound annoyed but failing pretty miserably at it, instead making California laugh "Alrighty then, want to keep watching paw patrol?" Cali smiled softly at Texas smiled "Yeah, kinda" He answered looking away from California to try to hide the blush on his face "Alright" California picked up the remote and unpaused the TV and setting his feet up on the footstool "Which dog is your favorite?" California Asked looking over at Texas who was thinking "I like Marshal because thats kinda how i feel a lot of the time, like a big clumsy goof." He laughed softly to himself "how about you?" Texas asked Cail, he shrugged "i'm not sure yet, probably Zuma because i used to have a chocolate lab like him" Texas nodded and turned back to the show

They continued watching paw patrol for about an hour before Texas fell sleep. And yes they've seen all the new movies.


Thank you for reading! I'm so so sorry this took me so long to finish i completely forgot i was writing this because thats how my brain works, but anywho thank you so much your reading and goodnight/morning (:

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