𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 - 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝)

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Private Location, Florida 🌊(Time skip) two weeks later 11:30 pm

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Private Location, Florida 🌊
(Time skip) two weeks later
11:30 pm

(Listen to "To Fast" By Sonder)

After the short time spent April & Mateo had picked up a routine together. He would pick her up to go on dates, do a little shopping and show her hidden parts of the city.

She was slowly starting to give him pieces of her trust along with the smallest bits of vulnerability which was huge thing for her.

Cutting her self off from men after her heartbreak was lonely so it was nice to be treated and seen.

He had made plans to take her out to dinner tonight after sending her and the girls on an all expenses paid shopping spree for the weekend.

Talking with the girls made her think on changing when she made it clear nothing serious could happen after she left, but she realized she was kinda open for it.

And with the only two more days being the last of their trip she thought talking to him about how she felt would help since he had been trying to convince her to stay.

The slight chance that this could be her everyday life gave her mixed feelings, but somethings are too good to be true.


Aprils pov

As I sit in my uber with my head out the window, I watch the palm trees mesh with the city lights, feeling the breeze cool my body smiling at how fun this trip has been.

It had been a relaxing weekend with the girls but I wanted to spend my last few days cuddled up with Mateo.

But I try not the let the anxiety from the small bit of feelings I developed for him ruin my vibe, he hadn't been answering any messages I sent in attempted to see if we were still on for dinner.

I got tired of waiting and decided to Uber to one of the last houses he took me too.

As the uber pulls into Mateo's long stone driveway I look in my phone double checking my make up in attempt to ignore the anxious feeling I had.

I thank the uber driver before walking up the big concrete steps leading to Mateo's front door, not talking to him all day felt weird but my stubborn lowkey missed him.

As I get closer to the front door I realize it's opened wide enough to peek through, but quickly pause after hearing screams of agony.

Backing away from the door I start to panic thinking Mateo could be hurt before looking around frantically to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon.

Spotting a bat behind a bush, I swallow my fear taking off my heels before putting the bat over my shoulder as I creep in.

I see puddles of blood on the floor that made me take a deep shaky breath in attempt to quiet my gasp, peeking around the corner a tall muscular frame was slicing someone tired to a chair.

Every slice the man made connected with every cry of pain the person made out, I winced at each scream and plead.

I try to center myself before peeking around the corner to see blood spattered on Mateo's face. He spit in the persons face before dragging a knife slowly through their neck, leaving blood pouring.

"Mateo ?!" I gasp loudly.

He spun around shocked at my voice before his eyes spotted me, I was frozen still in fear seeing the blood on his face. Everything was cloudy and hot as my vision began to blur even more as the seconds passed by.

"April the fuck are you even doing here", Mateo spat out as hot tears started to fall down my face.

"You're supposed to be with your damn friends, I just knew you was a nosey bitch." He yelled before taking a deep husky breath.

"I'll handle her boss" a lanky man said in a strong Spanish accent, he stalked over before Mateo raised his hand up pausing him in place.

Mateo started to move closer making me jerk back in fear, I kept attempting to force myself to wake up from this nightmare.

He attempted to move closer again before broke out running managing to grab my purse before making it out the front door.

Every sound was muffled as my pounding heart, using every amount of energy I had in my body I as ran through the streets.

El Portal, Florida 🌊
6:20 am

It had been hours since she had ran as fast as she could barefoot with no clue how to get home, she bent over to catch her breath not even feeling the tears that had started fallen,

She was unable to control her emotions, a barrier she didn't know she had been broken down, she kept trying to pinpoint any missed signs.

She knew she ignored a lot of things and he had anger issues but she didn't think he was a cruel, the look in his eyes were just cold, Nothing like the sweet man that swept her off her feet.

She could only drop her head in shame before her blurry eyes she spotted light from a busy dinner and decided it was safe to rest.

As she walked in she tried to fix her appearance before shuffling quickly to a booth in the far back feeling embarrassed.

A waitress walked over a with a pot of coffee, but she quickly declined and decided to order a cup of hot honey tea.

The waitress nodded popping gum as she walked away,
As April leaned against the booth seats with her head pressed against the window, she contemplated on the uneasiness she felt.

How quickly her perception of someone changed, she couldn't even bring herself to call anyone for help. She was never a snitch and didn't want that life for herself.

As the waitress brought over her tea, she blew over it to cool it down before taking a long sip, The relief it brought felt like bliss as the warmth spread throughout her body.

She took a deep breath and pulled out her phone seeing 45 missed calls and over hundred texts from Mateo, full of threats to I'm sorry's.

Fear started to quickly turn into annoyance, she truly wish she had just ignored him that first night. But she was happy her cut off training was strong, she had no issues with acting like people don't exist.

She just watched the cursor on her phone blink as she thought on what to say, she just wanted everything to disappear from her memory.

She sighed before typing: "I'm not a snitch, so stay the fuck away from me." Before blocking and deleting his number.

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