Chapter 03

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Meerab (to herself) : What will happen to you today Meerab? No one but Allah knows what this idiot boss will do to you today. Well, if this idiot kills me with poison, what will happen to me? Damn, what am I thinking? This idiot can't do anything like that.

She entered Murtasim's cabin with a lot of courage.

Meerab : May I come in sir?

Murtasim : Yes, come in.

Meerab : Sir, the files.

Murtasim looked at Meerab angrily and said,

Murtasim : Miss Meerab, what did you want to do with me? (😠)

Meerab : Sir, I don't want to do anything. Actually sir, I told to all that fat manager. Do you think I can say something like this, Sir? Can a small child like me kill someone?

Murtasim : What! You know what you're saying?

Meerab : Sir, do you hear less in the ear? Didn't you hear what I said? I think I need to take you to Uncle Ramu for your ear treatment.

Murtasim : What! Did you get a head injury when you were a kid?  

Meerab : Hmm..........😕 As far as I can remember, I didn't get any head injuries. Why sir?

Murtasim : Are you really crazy? How do you talk so much?

Meerab : Sir, I didn't talking much, I was just saying that.....

Murtasim : Just shut up! Go and work in silence without saying anything else.

As Meerab was leaving with the files, Murtasim called her and asked,

Murtasim : Where are you going?

Meerab : Sir, you told me to work, so I'm going to work on my table with the files. Sir, I think you have trouble forgetting.

Murtasim : What! What are you made of?

Meerab : Sir, don't you know what people are made of? Sir, did you actually come from abroad after finishing your studies or did you pass by copying?

Murtasim : Miss Meerab! Stand here and work in silence. And if you say one more thing, I will sew your lips. Idiot girl! 😬

Meerab : Sir, do you know sewing? Then will you sew my clothes? Actually, that idiot seamstress took 550 taka from me instead of 500 taka. You think, that idiot took more than 50 taka from me.

Before she could say anything else, Murtasim angrily punched the table and said,

Murtasim : Shut up! If another word comes out of your mouth, then no one will be worse than me.

Meerab said nothing more and started working quietly. Murtasim got so angry that he wanted to hit Meerab on the head. He couldn't understand how Meerab said so many things and how she thought so much nonsense.

Meerab: Oh sir, can I sit?

Murtasim : No, khare rahiye.

Meerab : Sir, mere per (leg) dukh rahe hai. Please!

Murtasim : If you sit, I'll leave the cockroach on your head that you planned to leave on me. Now tell me, what will you do?

Meerab : (Idiot, meri leg ki toh 12 baaj jayegi. Idiot will leave cockroaches on me? Once I get a chance, then I will explain what Meerab is!)

Murtasim : What are you thinking, Miss Meerab?

Meerab : Wondering how to punish you.(Says distracted)

Murtasim : What did you say?

Meerab : Sorry sir, really I'm not thinking about anything. Sorry!

Murtasim was smiling a lot seeing Meerab's condition. The way she made her face, look like someone wanted her kidney.

Murtasim : Bring me a cup of coffee.

Meerab : Yes sir!

She ran and came back with coffee. She brought coffee and put it on Murtasim's table and before she could sit down, Murtasim said,

Murtasim : Did I tell you to sit down?

Meerab : (Idiot I will kill you. Once I get a chance, I will explain later. Aahh ! My leg hurts a lot.)

Murtasim looked at her and saw she was saying something by herself. He understood that she was abusing him.       

Murtasim : What are you thinking? Plan to kill me again?

Meerab : No sir, can I think of these?

Murtasim : Is that so? Then it's good. Do your work.

Meerab was standing and working and looking at the clock after a while. Her condition worsened due to leg pain. As it was lunch time, she was going leaving the files but Murtasim said,

Murtasim : Where are you going?

Meerab : Sir, it's time for lunch.

Murtasim : Not before you finish your work.

Meerab started doing her work in a very angry way. She was so angry that she wanted to break Murtasim's head.

A peon came and gave food to Murtasim. Murtasim continued to eat and Meerab was staring at him. She thought Murtasim would ask her to eat but Murtasim finished his meal and called Peon and told him to take everything.

Meerab got angry more. It was 4 o'clock when she finished her work. The condition of her feet was very bad. She had been standing there since morning and she hadn't even eaten in it. After finishing the work, she left the files on Murtasim's table and said,

Meerab : Sir, I'm done. Can I go this time?

Murtasim : Yes, you can. Bring me a cup of coffee before going and make it well.

Meerab got angry and left the cabin to make coffee and she kept her blabbering on.

Meerab : Idiot boss..!! Devil..!! Anaconda..!! Today my feets are in bad condition for you only. And you will drink the coffee in my hand? Wait, I'm making you drink coffee.

She made bitter gourd juice. And poured that juice into a coffee cup and mixed coffee in that. And she took the coffee to Murtasim's cabin. She made her face looked like she made very good coffee. She puts coffee in front of Murtasim and said,

Meerab : Sir, shall I go this time? Please!

Murtasim: Hmm.

Who else gets Meerab? She went to her desk while running and hurried away with her bag. She escaped before Murtasim drinks coffee. Because she knows what Murtasim will do if he finds her in front of him after drinking that coffee. 😂

After drinking the coffee, Murtasim's mouth was in bad condition because it was the juice of bitter gourd. He threw the coffee out of his mouth and shouted,

Murtasim : Meeraaaaaaab!!!😠

           ❤️To be continued❤️
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Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now