Chapter 16

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The girls made Meerab sit on the bed and left. Meerab was sitting in the middle of the bed with the long veil. Suddenly she heard the sound of the door opening and looked at the door and there was Maa Begum. Maa Begum sat next to her and holding her hand said,

Maa Begum : What we have done is only for the good of you and Murtasim. I know you may not understand now but when the time will come, you'll understand that we have not made any wrong decision.

Meerab was silently listening to Maa Begum.

Maa Begum : You know, my son is not bad, he is very good. Maybe a little angry, in your language, an idiot.😅His heart is very good, like a coconut. Hard on the top but very soft in the inside.

Meerab was looking at Maa Begum. She herself knew that Murtasim was not a bad boy. He was perfect. Any girl would want to marry him. She herself was realizing that she was giving him a little space in her heart. As she was silent, Maa Begum said again,

Maa Begum : You see, my Murtasim will never hurt you. He will always take care of you.

Meerab smiled a little and looked at Maa Begum and said,

Meerab : But you have to love me like before. You always have to speak from my side. And yes, you have to scold and caress me like before.

She hugged Maa Begum. Tears fell from her eyes.

Maa Begum : On one condition, if you agree, everything will be the same as before.

Meerab : Tell me.

Maa Begum : Please call me Maa not Maa Begum.

Meerab couldn't hold back her tears this time. She hugged Maa Begum and said,

Maa Begum : Maa. 😭

Maa Begum cried. Meerab hgged Maa Begum for a long time. Maa Begum broke the hug and said,

Maa Begum : I'm leaving. And I am sending Murtasim.

Maa Begum left. Meerab wiped away her tears and stood in front of the corridor. The cold wind was blowing in her body. Moonlight night! Everything outside looked good to her today.

Suddenly one day her whole life changed. She no longer has to leave the people around her. She will be with them for the rest of her life. A different feeling in her heart for Murtasim too that she didn't understand what it was? She closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze.

Murtasim didn't want to go to the room. It seemed that he can't even think of going to his room, that from today he would have to tolerate the girl for the rest of his life. He always thought that the fate of the boy who would marry Meerab would be very bad. Now that sadness came to his forehead. Thinking that, a strange feeling was coming to him.

He went to the room with great difficulty and saw Meerab was not in the room. He took out the clothes from the cupboard and went to the washroom without caring.

He came to the room after getting freshened up from the washroom and saw Meerab had not come to the room yet. He left his towel on the bed and went to the corridor. He saw Meerab sitting in a chair in the corridor and sleeping. He liked sleeping Meerab very much. That innocent look of her drawn him very close.

It was as if the wind was playing with Meerab's hair. Her hair was flying in the wind and he liked it a lot. He sat in front of her and removed the small hairs from her face and forehead. And suddenly he kissed her forehead gently. He himself didn't know why he did that. He just thought and gave. He was so close to her that he could count every breath of her.

His heartbeat seemed to increase rapidly as he came very close to Meerab. He placed one hand on the left side of his chest and closed his eyes to see Meerab's face. He opened his eyes and saw Meerab was sleeping in front of him. He was staring at her. Meerab's face was so magical that he was trapped in that magic. Meerab's pink cheeks, the pink lips that pulls him very close to her.

He had been looking at her like this for a long time. After a while, he puts his hands on her cheeks and saw her cheeks have turned red in the cold.

Without thinking, he took her in his arms and laid her on the bed. Meerab was sleeping without opening the jewelry. He smiled a little and sat down next to her.

Murtasim : I don't know what you have that draws me to you again and again.There is a different kind of feeling for you. I don't know why this strange feeling is happening for you. Such a feeling has never happened for anyone else. Just for you. I don't know the reason, I just know I like you a lot.

He puts his hand on Meerab's head and noticed that she was asleep without opening her jewelry. He smiled a little and opened the jewelry and put it on the small table and he laid down next to her.

He was trying hard to sleep but he was not getting any sleep. He looked at Meerab and Meerab was sleeping peacefully. He felt better after seeing Meerab's sleep. Meerab was looking like a kid while sleeping. Her mischief, all the weird things, weird talks he was remembering those and was smiling. He looked at her face and after a while he also fell asleep.

In Morning,

Meerab woke up and was surprised to see what she saw.

Murtasim was holding her. Murtasim's breath was coming to her face. She was shocked that she was here. Murtasim's face was very close to her face.

Meerab : I was in the corridor and I fell asleep there and this idiot brought me here? But why is he holding me like this? Uff..!! I can't even move this idiot a little too hard.

She was trying hard to remove Murtasim but she was repeatedly failing. Murtasim holds her tighter and she got very upset and said,

Meerab : Is this idiot holding me on purpose? Uff..!! This anaconda will kill me if he presses me a little more like this. What do I do?

Suddenly a red light flashed on her head and the lamp was demonic. 😈

She noticed that there was a jug next to the bed and it was filled with water. She took the jug of water in her hand and poured all the water in Murtasim's mouth. She also got a little wet but she has soaked Murtasim the whole water. 😂😂

Suddenly Meerab threw water in his face and Murtasim jumped up. It was cold and Meerab poured cold water over him. Meerab let out a sigh and smiled at Murtasim's condition. She was laughing so much that she didn't notice that Murtasim was staring at her angrily.

Murtasim was very angry at her actions, he understood very well who threw water on him. He angrily grabbed her and brought his face closer to her face. The water from his face was falling on Meerab's face.

In Murtasim's eyes, Meerab seemed to be working like an addict. He puts his cheek to Meerab's cheek and went close to her ear and said,

Meerab : Do you like to play with water? Let me show you how to play with water.

Meerab's body trembled at Murtasim's touch. Hearing Murtasim's words, her eyes widened. She didn't understand what Murtasim would do with her. Murtasim took her in his lap before she could say anything.

She tried hard to get out of his lap but couldn't do anything. He couldn't find anything else and started tweaking Murtasim's face. But Murtasim didn't notice that.

Murtasim took her to the washroom and threw her in the bathtub. It was cold, in which Murtasim immerses her in water. Meerab was devastated by Murtasim's actions. She could not have imagined that Murtasim would drown her like this. She was shivering a lot in the cold. Her condition was very bad. Even then she said to Murtasim,

To be continued.
Next chapter will come after 35+ votes

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