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            THE RIDE TO Riverdale was completely silent. Maeve drove alone in her Mercedes from New York. A few boxes were piled in the back seat of her car whilst the rest of her belongings were being followed in the two U Hauls.

She hasn't lived in Riverdale for twenty years, but for some reason the town was calling her name. Of course she had been back for visiting. She couldn't just leave the serpents behind—but it was only for a quick trip and she had to return to New York for her career.

As she drove into the town of Riverdale she could already feel the shift in its atmosphere. The town of Pep didn't feel like the town of Pep anymore. It still looked like the same Riverdale she seen three years ago, it just didn't feel the same.

Maeve couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened.

It was a ten minute drive on the road before she got into town. She drove past the Northside and headed towards the bridge that connects both parts of the town.

A year ago she was getting tired of the city that never sleeps. Sure, New York was pretty and had everything you needed, but it was also hectic and crowded with people. She decided that she didn't wanna live in New York anymore and move back to her home town.

That's when she bought the land next to the bridge to build her own house. She parked her car in the driveway of her house before getting out and admiring the new building. This was the first time she would live in a giant house.

When she was younger she lived in the trailer park. Then she lived in a extremely small apartment in New York. Then after she started to be successful in her career, she lived in a penthouse—a fancy apartment in other words.

Now she had her own house.

One of the U Haul's pulled into the empty spot in the driveway, while the other pulled on the side of the curb. Maeve gave them directions on where to put her stuff while she took out her boxes from the backseat of her car.

She made her way up the first set of stairs, finding her office on the opposite side of her bedroom. She placed her boxes full of papers and documents in the corner as the workers carried in her office furniture.

It was a two hours and all the furniture and boxes. we're laid messily around the house. Maeve wanted to situate her rooms the ways she wanted to, but she was starving and in desperate need for Pops food.

She reached for the keys on the kitchen island and headed outside.

»»————- ✧ ————-«

           POPS CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE was shining bright down on Maeve's face as she stood outside of the entrance steps. This was the only restaurant in town open 24/7.

A small smile made its way onto her lips as she opened the glass doors. A familiar sound of a bell chimed above her head making her sigh in content.

"Well, I'll be damned." a sweet voice spoke up. You could hear the amazement in his voice. "You're back."

Maeve's smile grew as she laid her eyes upon Pop Tate. The most wholesome man of Riverdale. And also the owner of the most finest diner she'd been too.

He was wearing his usual apron, a cloth in his hand as he wiped down some of the empty tables before his regular night time costumers start coming in.

"Hey, Pop." she extended her arms out, wrapping around him for a hug. "It's good to see you."

"You too. You too, Maeve." He let go, his smile matching hers. "Sit down, i'll get you something to eat. You're usual?"

She gave him an amazed look "You remember?"

"I've been doing this for years. Mozzarella sticks, medium Chilli Fries, Bacon Cheese burger and Ice tea?"

Maeve nodded to him, watching him leave to go
into the back where the kitchen was. She turned around and caught eye of Fred Andrews behind her with his hands on his hips and an amused smile.

"Maeve Smith?" He grinned "haven't seen you in three years, how's it going?" he asked, giving her hug, much like how Pop hugged her.

"It's going good. It's good to be back here."

Unlike Maeve, Fred wanted to stay in Riverdale. His family has been here for years, it's in his blood to be born, live and die in this town. So, he completely understood what she was talking about.

He wondered if she knew this town was going to shit.

"How long you visiting for?" he questioned her, oblivious to the fact she moved in. Normally, word travelled fast in this town, but Fred wasn't one for gossip so he probably didn't even pay attention.

"Forever." she simply stated, causing a large smirk upon her lips. "So, your the one who bought that piece of land? We've been wondering who best Hiram Lodge to that."

Hiram Lodge? she thought. She had no idea he was back.

"Hiram is back in Riverdale?"

Fred chucked nervously. She really didn't know anything that happened. "I've got a lot to fill you in on."

Maeve agreed to let him fill her in on the events that happened while she was away at work. She excused herself quickly to use the bathroom before her food was finished.

As she washed her hands, she couldn't stop her mind from running. She wondered why FP didn't phone her to tell her about the shit happening in Riverdale. She doesn't know what exactly happened, but it couldn't be good.

She could hear shouting outside of the bathroom, making her head shoot right up. She knew she shouldn't have left the room, it probably would have been better to hide in the toilets.

Curiosity got the better of her.

She existed the bathroom, laying eyes on a guy wearing a bandana around the bottom half of his face. He held a gun towards Pop Tate who was getting cash out of his register and his employees who were on the floor.

The slam of the door alerted the robber and he pointed his gun straight towards Maeve. Shit.

Fred got up to stand in front of her. His father instincts kicking through as he covered her from the man.

"Take out your wallets!" the man shouted, shoving the gun closer to her "come on, lady!". She could tell he wasn't gonna shoot anyone by the way his hand shook in fear. However she didn't wanna take any chances so she pulled her wallet out of her coat.

She didn't carry cash anyway so she'd just cancel her cards.

Maybe she wasn't going fast enough, but the guy shot off the gun twice. One was shot into one of the booths and the other landed inside of the stomach of Fred.


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