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            WHO WOULD'VE KNOWN that the first day Maeve moved back into town that she would witness someone get shot. Not just someone—Fred Andrews.

The man who's probably the last person on earth that should be shot.

The attempted robber started freaking out, not expecting to actually shoot someone. He ran out of the shop quickly, not wanting to get caught by the police. This guy was clearly on crack.

Maeve wasted no time in dropping to her knees and applying pressure to the gunshot wound. Fred cried out in pain, as the pressure just made it hurt ten times more.

"I know, Fred. I know but we have to slow the bleeding." She assured him, panicking but not quite crying. Maybe she was in shock? she didn't know. The only think she was focused on was slowing the bleeding until the ambulance gets here.

She took her throw over off and tried her best to tie it around the wound. "Jesus Christ, it's a small ass town how long does it take for an ambulance to get here!"

It was 2 minutes and the ambulance still wasn't there. Maeve was growing impatient, and Fred wouldn't stop mumbling about he needed to see Archie. He was bleeding out by the second so instead Maeve used a different approach.

"Help me put him in my car!" she shouted to no one in particular. However, every worker in the diner helped Fred up carefully and gently leading him to the passenger seat of her car.

Once Fred was settled into the seat, she floored it to the hospital. He was drifting in and out of consciousness, gripping the side of the door tightly in pain. "Stay with me Fred, it's okay. You're gonna be okay."

she started repeating that over and over, not sure if it was meant for him or her. Probably both at this point.

It wasn't long until they were at the hospital. She pulled into the parking lot, not even bothering to pick a space. She didn't even know how she managed to drag Fred into the hospital but she managed. It was probably the adrenaline rushing through her veins that gave her the extra strength.

"Someone please help!" she screamed, gaining the attention of the nurses in the hallway. They all looked up from what they were doing and wasted no time in rushing towards her.

"Get me a gurney!" a nurse shouted helping Fred onto the bed. As a doctor bursted through the doors he started asking questions about what happened.

"He was shot in the stomach, he's lost a lot of blood. " Maeve told him, not wanting to let go of Fred's hand as he was wheeled away. Her eyes didn't leave him until he was behind the doors she couldn't walk through.

Maeve stood still for a few seconds. She wasn't sure what she should do next. She could have probably stayed there in that same place for hours if she didn't notice the look of horrors people were giving her.

Maeve looked down at her jeans and sweater, seeing the crimson blood covering her clothes and hands. She cursed under her breath, rushing to find the bathrooms so she could clean the stains off her hands. But, no matter how hard she scrubbed them their was still a red tint to her skin.

»»————- ✧ ————-«

MAEVE WAS A mess. She probably should have went home and changed before she headed over to the Andrews household, but she needed to let Archie know about his Dad. She only thing she found was an extra hoodie in her car so it would have do for now.

She would have called from the hospital, but she didn't know Fred's home number, or Archie's cellphone and she was not doing through the phone book, it would take to long.

Maeve appeared on the front doorstep of Fred's home, not even preparing what she was going to say to Archie when he opened the door. She knocked loudly, hearing a voice from the inside come closer. When the door opened a tall redheaded boy face her and she immediately knew it was Archie—even if he was a foot taller then three years ago when she seen him.

He held a hopeful face, but it only disappeared when he laid eyes on her. He looked really confused "Maeve?"

"Hey, Archie" smiling softly. He smiled at her, assuming she was here to see his fathers "My dads not here."

I know. I know. I know...

"I know," she spoke out loud. "Archie listen, you're dad he's in the hospital."

The smile on his face quickly vanished and all he felt was panic. He looked at her crazed, only just noticing the dried blood covering her jeans. "what.. what... what happened..."

She frowned, a rush of guilt filing her stomach. "There was a robbery at Pops, he was shot.

A look of horror appeared on his face as his eyes became glossy from the tears that threatened to flow. His lip wobbled for a second before composing himself. "Is...is he okay?"

"They rushed him to surgery as soon as I brought him." She  informed him, not wanting to tell him, no or yes. In all honestly she had no idea if he could make it. The amount of blood he lost was genuinely scary and he didn't wanna get his hopes up, but also didn't want Archie to hear his Dad passed away.

"Do you want to come back the hospital with me?"

Archie didn't hesitate in grabbing his coat and rushing out of the door.

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