Chapter 9

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"How the hell do I know that you are being honest with me? How do I know that you aren't just saying things to me to gain my trust after telling me that I'm related to Dominic Toretto? How do I know that you aren't trying to lull me into a false sense of security, so that way you can use me to hurt him," Nyx asked feeling the pain creep up in her chest. "Were you genuine when you and I met; or were you creating lies just to get close to me?"

Dante took a step closer pulling Nyx closer to himself, before leaning down kissing Nyx passionately.

Nyx was fighting with Dante trying to break away from the kiss with him, only to eventually give into the passionate kiss. Eventually both Dante and Nyx pulled away, looking into each other's eyes.

"Don't ever question my feelings for you again. My feelings for you are genuine. I don't give a crap if you are related to Dominic. You may think that I'm lying to you about this. Heck you may not believe that my feelings are genuine. But the very night that we met all those months ago, I felt a spark with you. I felt things that I have never felt with any other woman. I have spent those lonely nights after you left, longing to find you and bring you back to me. The night that you walked away, I regret it. I kept thinking to myself that I should have chased you. I should have stopped you from returning back to your family in the states. I made a mistake by allowing you to walk away. If there is something that I learned when I allowed you to walk away, it was a huge mistake. It was a mistake that I wished that I had never made. It's a mistake that I am not willing to make again," Dante said.

"If you genuinely care about me, then you will let Letty go as well as stop tormenting Dom, Tej, Ramsey, Han and Roman. If you care about me, you will stop with this damn foolishness and move on from this," Nyx said.

"Nyxie, you know I love you very much. I truly do. But what you're asking of, I can't do what you ask. I don't know what you do know, or what you were told, but I can't drop what I'm doing. Dominic Toretto destroyed my family. He stole everything from me. He stole a bunch of money that he didn't have any business taking. If Dominic Toretto hadn't stolen that money and left it alone I wouldn't have to avenge the death of my father right now," Dante explained. "You don't have to like my reason for what I'm doing. You don't have to agree with what I'm doing. But Dominic needs to be punished for what he had done to my father."

"Dante holding onto revenge and hatred won't do you any good at the end of the day. All of this bitterness that you hold onto right now, will only consume you and it will rob you of your happiness. Is that what you want," Nyx tried getting through to Dante.

Dante thought about it for a moment before giving Nyx a response. "I'm sorry Nyxie."

"What are you sorry fo-" Nyx was cut off when Dante knocked her out using the pressure point. "If you're not going to help me with my cause, then I can't have you standing in my way. Dominic Toretto has robbed me of the only family that I had left. I believe that it's only fair that I go and do the same to him. I can't allow him to get off free and not pay for his actions. Hopefully at some point you will understand and see things my way." Dante carried Nyx up to a spare room, carrying her to the bed, placing her down before walking out of the room, locking the door and making the call to Aimes.

"How did your little reunion go," Aimes asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"It didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. But there will be plenty of time later to fix that and make thing sup to her," Dante explained.

Aimes picked up on the sour mood that was plaguing Dante. "What happened?"

"She's not happy that I'm seeking revenge against her older brother. Ever since I told her the truth about herself, she's now convinced that I only spoke to her, because her brother is an enemy of mine, and she thinks that I'm using her to get back at her older brother, as well as his little group of friends, who helped him on that mission that fateful day that I basically lost everything except my life," Dante said.

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