Morning highs (Primo)

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This mentions substance use a lot. Not abuse, just using illegal drugs. In no way am I promoting illegal drugs. Please only take what is safe for you.
You have been warned.
(Also some smut<3)

I walked through the garden, trying to focus on what I was suppose to be doing. It was early morning and nobody really got up until 9. I gently leaned down and inspected the flowers.
Not here.
I moved to a different patch.
Not here either.
"Looking for something in particular?"
I jumped, looking up.
It was Primo, the oldest of the brothers. He is getting close to giving up his role as papa to his brother. I often helped him in his garden when I was bored.(even though I didn't know Jack shit about flowers) He was very kind, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't fond of him.
"Oh well.. kinda?"
I stood back up. He was taller than me, his black and red robe fitting him perfectly. He gave me a small smile.
"Try me."
I felt slightly embarrassed, opening the notebook I had been carrying by my side. I opened it, flipping through pages. He waited patiently, not trying to look at anything unless I was clearly wanting him to look.
I found the page.
It was a nicely drawn flower, beautifully shaded. The gentle pencil lines were probably put there with great care.
"Does this look familiar?"
He thought for a moment.
"It does, actually. Looks like some kind of poppy."
He scanned the drawing carefully for a moment longer, then looking me in the eyes.
"Come. There's some in my green house."
He led me past the fountain, his walk slow. He seemed so at peace when in his garden, but so up tight when not in the garden. It was like he was a different person.
He held the door open for me. I was hit by the humidity immediately. It was filled to the brim with plants just as I remembered but there were some new boxes.
"I actually just got some today."
Primo opened one of the boxes carefully, making sure to be delicate. I was unsure if it was because of his older age that he wasn't as fast pace as his brothers or if it was just who he was.
"I was going to ask you to help unload them later. Would you be up to that?"
He didn't even allow me to answer the question before speaking again, as if he forgot he was asking something.
"Is there a specific color?"
I immediately answered.
"Ah.. those are rare. You're in luck."
He pulled out a light blue poppy. It wasn't yet potted, still in the hard plastic. The pedals looked thin but lively. I looked back at my drawing, then at the poppy.
He muttered under his breath. I barely caught it and didn't even know what it meant. It was probably Italian.
I smiled.
"Thank you. I just wanted to see it."
I said, but he was already taking off his gloves, gently pulling it out of the plastic and putting it into a black pot.
His hands were slightly wrinkled and dirt was under his nicely filed nails. His hands looked very moisturized, though.
"Do you know anything about them or just think they're pretty?" He asked, gently packing in the dirt.
"I don't know a lot.."
I felt slightly embarrassed admitting it.
"They symbolize creativity, imagination, deep thinking and are often gifted to loved ones because they are very rare to find in the wild."
I smiled as he rattled off facts about poppies. I knew I wouldn't remember any of it but I loved listening.
He handed me the pot, his hands smudged with a little dirt.
I looked at him, basically asking you sure?
He smiled and nodded.
"They are also a source of many good narcotics"
He said with a wink which I thought looked slightly corny.
"Can you make them yourself?"
I watched him go to the sink, washing his hands.
I placed the pot on the shelf in the sunlight. I was likely staying for a awhile.
"Of course. I have done so many times. Some of the ingredients are rather expensive though so I normally don't tell anyone."
He looked back to me.
"Consider yourself special."
For some reason Primo always tried to make me feel special. He often gave me small gifts like a 'random necklace he found' but I could tell he specifically bought it for me.
There was a unspoken tension between us. I believed it should stay unspoken.
As a Sister/brother of Sin I had to stay focused and so did he, since he was still papa. Romance was not something he should worry about.
"Are you alive?"
I got taken out of my day dreaming. He was pulling his black gloves back on.
"Oh sorry papa.. my mind wondered."
He shook his head with a smile.
"I asked if you wanted to try some."
I was shocked.
I really shouldn't.. I have a whole day of work ahead of me.

I felt dizzy. Primo sat me down so I wouldn't fall. He chuckled lightly.
God I love his laugh
Wait what am I thinking?!
I tried to snap myself out of it.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
He said softly.
He asked me multiple times if I was sure, warning me of the side effects.
I brushed them off, taking it without a second thought.
He sat down on a chair beside me, taking some for himself.
He is so sweet..
Instead of snorting a line like I did, he rolled his up using a page of the Christian Bible (no wonder why he keeps it around) and lit it.
"I didn't expect it to work so fast."
"That's common for newbies."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I did. You weren't listening."
"Yes I was."
"No you were not."
"Just admit you didn't tell me."
"I did though."
Our playful bickering was very common. No matter what we were doing it was always there.
I huffed, giving up.
He took a long drag, then took the joint from his lips over to mine.
I took it in my lips without a second thought.
It burned my lungs immediately, but I stuck it through. I wanted to impress him for some reason.
I held the smoke in my lungs for a moment then pulled away from the joint and let the smoke out. A small cough came out with it.
"You took that well. Good girl/boy."
I felt my face flush.
His pupils were narrower than I remembered them being before.
He said softly, leaning in close to me. I found myself struggling to concentrate on his words. It must be the substance.
His words blurred together as he spoke, my eyes struggling to stay open.
I heard him sigh and pulled me close to him, almost off of my chair.
I ended up moving the rest of the way myself, sitting myself on his lap.
He looked surprised, and honestly I was too. I'm normally not a bold person.
I didn't know what I was doing but for some reason I felt confident. It was probably the narcotics.
I whispered.
I never called him Primo..
I wasn't allowed to.
"Yes dear?"
He pushed some hair out of my face, his other hand gently resting on his hip.
"I... don't think I will ever have the confidence to say this again."
I started.
"So I'll say it now."
I took a deep breath. I wasn't thinking straight. Wasn't thinking about the long term consequences to this.
I leaned in close to him.
I struggled to get my words right.
"You're very handsome."
I finally said, gazing into his mismatched eyes.
"Thank you, amore."
I swallowed hard.
Now or never..
I leaned in more, looking at his lips. I hoped he'd get the hint.
He did. His gloves hand cupped my cheek, his other on my waist.
His lips brushed against mine and I let out a sigh of relief.
He was delicate, like I was a flower that was needing care. A flower that needed its sunlight and water.
He was the sunlight and water.
I scooted closer to him, now straddling over his upper thighs. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer, his other hand leaving my cheek and entangling into my hair.
We weren't rushed.
Just me and him.
In the greenhouse
We're in the green house!
I pulled away, suddenly hyper aware of all the windows.
What if someone sees?
"calma, amore. People only come here in the after noon."
He said as if he read my mind.
He bit the tip of one of his fingers, pulling off his glove and gently putting it on a nearby shelf.
His thumb went under my shirt, lifting it slightly.
"You sure?"
That was all I needed. The kiss started again. Our lips pushed together. Our tongues meeting and having a slow and gentle dance. His whole hand was now under my shirt, gently caressing my waist. I shivered, his calloused fingers gripping at the curve of my hips.
He gently moved that same hand to my stomach, trailing it down from above my belly button to the button of my pants.
He pulled away from the kiss, his face paint smuggled. It was probably on my lips.
"May I?"
He whispered.
I nodded, breathless.
I went to his neck, gently kissing his adam's apple. I felt his hand pull on my jeans, the button immediately coming undone. The zipper was next, making a small sound in protest to the movement.
His fingers pressed against me through my underwear. I let out a involuntary moan, my hips buckling forwards in response.
He chuckled, causing his throat to shift slightly under my lips. I bit down softly at the excess skin, sucking at it.
"Sorry to interrupt but.."
I immediately pulled away, my face flushed. It was a Sister of Sin. I recognized her but didn't know her name.
"You're late for a meeting, Papa."
Primo seemed unbothered.
"Ah... I was unaware."
He looked at me, then at the Sister.
"I will be there in a moment."
She nodded, then looked at me for a split second. She turned and closed the door, walking through the garden back into the Ministry.
He gentle kissed my cheek to get my attention.
I looked back to him.
"I'm sorry but our time is cut short."
He gently zipped up my pants for me and put the button back into place with one hand. He patted my upper thigh. I got the message and hopped of his lap.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset.
"I'll come see you after my meeting."
He whispered to me, giving me a trail of kisses down my cheek to the corner of my mouth. I smiled.
"Make sure you bring some of the drugs."
I said playfully.
"Of course. Morning highs are never enough."

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