Giyuutan 💝🫂 ¡Modern AU!

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Thank you to Ihatethisapp2011 for suggesting this! Also the time set is in December 24th and that the hashira and the kamaboko squad are friends with the demons!

Tanjiro- 20

Tanjiro's pov:

I walked inside the house me and my husband Giyuu tomioka lived in. I reached out for the bag I had on my back and took the house keys out. I then opened the door only to be greeted by the sweet smell of pizza. I took off my boots and placed them on the shoe rack and I headed towards the kitchen. "Hey babe! I got the garlic bread also some coal for the fire!" I exclaimed looking at his ocean blue eyes. "Great! thanks tanjiro!" He smiled kissing my forehead.

I walked over and bent down to look at the peparoni pizza then looked at the table with all different types of pizza:

.Margirita pizza
.Meat pizza
.Bacon and chicken pizza
. Mushroom pizza
.Pizza with pineapple on it

I then looked at giyuu again and reminded him "Babe you need to put a vegetarian pizza as well after that you know Gyomei is a vegetarian!" he looked back and smiled "I didn't forget babe also can you help me cook the piggies in a blanket and add some veggies in some for him and your sister?" I nodded and went to the freezer and got out the packet to defrost. Just then the phone rang I walked over to the counter and looked at who was calling me. "Who's that hon?" Giyuu asked "It's muzan!" I yelled back.

M- Muzan

T- Yes?
M- Hey sorry to call but is it okay if I bring some alcohol? also..
T- Is everything okay?
M- My uppermoons are fighting as per usual anyways should some of the cupcakes have human blood on it?
T- Don't ask me... You can add some just put them separately okay
M- Okay! Bye!
T- Bye bye.

I hung up the phone and went back to my boyfriend "Muzan just asked if he should add blood to some cupcakes" He chuckled and shrugged.

5 hours later!

Noones pov:

Tanjiro and giyuu looked at the feast they prepared they noticed they forgot to add some candles so tanjiro ran upstairs and grabbed some candles as he ran downstairs he tripped and screamed he closed his eyes preparing for impact but then a pair of arms wrapped around him he opened his eyes to see his loving boyfriend holding him "Be careful" he warned him. Tanjiro chuckled and kissed giyuu "I'm sorry babe but the guests are going to be here soon" Giyuu smiled and took one of the candles and placed them down on the table. "Yay! we're done!" Tanjiro cheered. Just then the doorbell ringed "COMING!" tanjiro cheered and ran to the door.

Muzan's pov:

I rang the doorbell and heated tanjiro yell "COMING" next thing I knew the door opened and he smiled "Hey guys! the others haven't come yet so you kinda have the place to yourselves right now!" he greeted us I smiled "Thanks tanjiro! we can't remember the last time we did this" I then felt a tug at my waist I looked down and saw Rui there "What's wrong Rui?" He looked up and pointed to Akaza and Douma and just as I predicted they were yelling and messing about. I then realised that they were close to the road. "GUYS BE CAREFUL NOT T-" my eyes widened as a car came by and almost them. "YOU IDIOTS!!!!" I yelled "Hey I'll take those from you and get inside it's freezing" Tanjiro chuckled nervously I nodded.

Tanjiro's pov:

After muzan and his uppermoons and his 2 lowermoons not long after the hashira arrived.

Akaza's pov:

I heard the doorbell ring and as tanjiro answered the door I saw a orange-yellow hair with red highlights haired boy. I pounced at him "KYROJURO!!!!!" I smiled as I sat on his lap "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" I chuckled "Merry Christmas Akaza" He smiled as we went inside we both sat down at the fireplace and talked about what happened since the last time we met up.

Giyuu's pov:

I saw senemi and walked over "Merry Christmas!" I smiled he turned around and smiled "Merry Christmas tomioka how have you been?" He asked "Good!" Obanai came behind us and yelled in my ear "MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCH!" I turned around startled "God obanai you scared me..." I sighed "Hahaha good one!" Senami laughed then obanai and senemi talked then I felt a tap on my back I turned around to see kokushibo "Merry Christmas Gary" he handed me a present I smiled and sat down and so did he I placed my gift under the Christmas tree and we talked about life and how we are depressed fucks.

After me and kokushibo catched up with eachother I walked to the kitchen to see kocho "Merry Christmas kocho" she turned around and smiled "Merry Christmas tomioka! damn come to think it I wondered if you ever had friends but hey look as the time flew by you even made friends with your 2 enimes!" I looked at her confused "Ummm is that a compliment?" I questioned she nodded "Well then thanks!" I smiled at her then Mitsuri came into the kitchen "Merry Christmas kocho and tomioka!" She exclaimed I smiled as I greeted her.

After greeting everyone!

We all walked into the living room and we played a game what we do is we have a golf ball and a plastic cup filled with water and if we get the golf ball into the cup we drink a a small cup of wine. "LOOK AT ME GET THIS FIRST TRY IDIOTS!" Inosuke yelled "Calm down inosuke" Tanjiro said as he sat down. As expected he missed "Yup got it not..." Zenitsu rolled his eyes as he grabbed his golf ball and threw it and he also missed "HAHHA LOOK WHO MISSED AS WELL!" inosuke yelled "Unlike you guys I'll get it in on my first try" Muzan shrugged as he threw his ball and as expected he got it dead on "HA! SUCK IT LOSERS!" he yelled as he took a sip of his small cup of alcohol and refilled it. Akaza threw his ball and it hit inside the cup as well as he got up to get it rengoku threw his and got it in "Damn kyrojuro good aim!" He chuckled as he grabbed both his and rengoku's golf balls and they both drank from their cups.

After the game!

Tanjiro's pov:

After we finished our game almost everyone was drunk as heck I went upstairs to my room for a bit as I sat down giyuu came inside and sat next to me "Yik~ hey babe~" He said slurry "Hey you alright?" I asked I noticed that he took to many shots back there and I sighed "Giyuu you need rest you drank way to much" He got on my lap and chuckled "NOOO yik~ I don't wanna~ I wanna have fun my boyfriend~" He started grinding against me I got up and pushed his off and went downstairs to get him a cup of water he came with me "Baaa- Yik~ babe... where ya yik~ going~" He grabbed my hand as we went upstairs I heard moaning then "AHHH! A-AKAZA!!" I blushed "Ooo~ their yik~ having fun~" He went to our room and threw me down onto the bed and got on my lap and grinded "Come on~ yik~ with!" he groaned.

I sighed "If that's the only way for you to go to sleep.. then fine" He smiled and took my shirt off "Yik~ your b.. beautiful yik~" I blushed 'I know this isn't my boyfriend he's drunk but I still feel good when he says that' I thought to myself. He then took off my trousers leaving me in my boxers "Yik~ babe~ yik~" I tilted my head to the side "What's wrong?" I asked "Yik~ I wanna yik f...fuck you!" he mumbled I blushed and took my boxers off and got on his lap and took off his shirt "Fine..." I sighed giving in to him "Yik~ yay!" he chuckled I took off all his clothes and positioned my enterance to his dick and lowered myself on his "ngh~" I moaned as I could feel his dick go inside me.

I then started bouncing slowly I could hear giyuu grunting ever so slightly "y-you like this?" I groaned as I bounced harder "Yik~ yes~" He grunted as he rolled his hips into me deeping the thrusts "Ugh! F-FUCK" I cursed as he smirked. After a while I was a moaning mess my eyes rolled back, my tounge hanging out my mouth drool coming out and my hair a mess "R-RIG.. AHH RIGHT NGH AhH~ ThERe!" I managed to blurt out he was like a animal! "Good~ yik~ You yik~ t..this?" He asked I nodded then I felt a knot in my stomach "UgH! CLosE!~ HoNEY! FuCk!!!~" I groaned and slowed down as I felt my climax coming after a few minutes I came on my stomach and his and I felt myself fill up "ahhh~" I moaned as he came inside of me. "Yik~ that w...was FuN... yik~" He grunted as he pulled out I fell on top of him panting I put my clothes on and closed my eyes not caring of this place burns down due to the drunk demons and my friends downstairs.


Finished, Sorry if this took so long I had to deal with school and some other things.

Words: 1644

Hope you're enjoyed!

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