⚠️Important news⚠️

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So around 2-3 years ago I wanted robux rlly badly. So I took my dad's credit and bought 800 robux. Well my dad found out and took Roblox away from me. Looking back at that I really regretted it and I knew it was wrong but my stupid brain didn't think twice about it and went for it anyway. So now present day my mum walked into the living room and said.

"Lyana you can have Roblox back because you have good grades and have not got a negative" (which is like a bad point for like uniform, forgetting your homework/equipment ect...) and she said I could redownload it. I can't log onto my main account unfortunately but I've made a new account and if you want to friend me here's my username:


I can do demon slayer role plays if you want and I am excited to get to know you all better. So if you want you can friend me and just tell me your username as well.

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