Inotan 🫂🩸😭

565 8 9

Requested by: Muzan_Kibsuji11

Tanjiro's pov:

I ran as fast as I could breathing heavily. 'COME ON TANJIRO YOU HAVE TO GET THERE OR HE'LL HE'LL' I thought to myself tears falling from my eyes. Zenitsu who was next to me noticed me crying and reassured me "Tanjiro I'm sure he's fine were 5 minutes away" I choked out more sobs.

"But what if he doesn't make it?!" I asked. "I'm sure he will tanjiro... inosuke is a great person and he's capable of moving his organs so I think he will survive until we get there" I wiped my tears and nodded.

After we got there I saw inosuke lying on the ground blood all around him. "INOSUKE!" I yelled Tripping over and landing next to him. "INOSUKE!" I yelled again fighting back tears. 'What do I do!?' I thought. Zenitsu walked up to us and felt his heart beat. "Tanjiro his heart is slowing down!" I sighed and remembered something. "Zenitsu take your hand off of him for a minute". He nodded. "He's suffered critical wounds and is losing his oxygen so I think this should w-work" I stammered taking off his mask.

I blushed slightly then put our lips together and started to give him mouth to mouth. "TANJIRO!?" Zenitsu yelled. I put one finger up at him and for the next 2 minutes I have him mouth to mouth. I pulled away and prayed to god this would work and spare him a little more time until miss kocho gets here.

After shinobu arrived

"MISS KOCHO!" I yelled waving my arms. She ran over and nodded to the clean up crew they took inosuke into a bed and started to run to treat his wounds. "inosuke" I softly spoke under my breath. As blood dripped out of the bed I fell to the ground crying.

Time skip

It's been 3 days since me and Zenitsu got inosuke treated and I decided to go visit him for the 5th time today.

Inosuke's pov:

'Ugh my head hurts like hell' I thought as I sat up. 'Wait... where the hell am I?' I turned to my left to see the food lady standing there. "I-inosuke" she said as she ran over and gave me a hug "What the-". I'm so confused. "OI food lady where's monjiro and monitsu?" I asked. She got up and told me everything. "Oh... well I'm going to go find th-" but before I could finish my sentence she yelled "NO YOU NEED TO REST!" I blinked and shrugged "What's gotten into you today" she rolled her eyes and left. I look to the table next to me and saw there was a card. 'What the hell is this?' I thought as I picked up the card. I opened it and it said:

Dear inosuke:

I miss you so much I am so sorry that me and Zenitsu didn't get to you in time to prevent you from losing the amount of blood you lost. I hope you can forgive me. Anyways I hope you get up soon, I really miss you and so does everyone else.

From: Tanjiro kamado

'Oh that's sweet of tontaro' I thought as I smiled. Next thing I knew the door swinged open and there was santaro panting and full of tears. "INOSUKE!" he yelled as he ran over and hugged me tight. "I-im so s-sorry" he blabbered. I patted his back while smiling "It's okay monjiro I'm okay now". He looked at me and wiped his tears. "Ha- it's tanjiro" he chuckled I patted his head and smiled.

We sat there for 3 mintues before I heard monjiro sobbing "Huh? t-tantaro?" I asked as he sat up and wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't get there earlier me and Zenitsu was fighting another demon at that time" he told me I sighed. "I forgive you... tanjiro".

Tanjiro's pov:

Inosuke sighed and spoke "I forgive you... Tanjiro" my eyes widened and I started to blush at him saying my name. "Y-you called me... by my name" I stammered. He nodded and pulled me close "I've been trying to say your name correctly tantaro" I laughed "But your still gonna be calling me monjiro and tantaro sometimes eh" he nodded and laughed with me. "Tanjiro... can I say something to you?" he asked. I nodded and as he sighed the most surprising words came out his mouth.

"I love you tanjiro... will you be my boyfriend?"

I gasped and smiled and pulled him into a kiss. "Of course I will! I love you to" he smiled and as we both laid down on the bed we fell asleep.

Words: 789

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