Prologue: Manifestation of ones desire

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Disclaimer: This story is purely experimental. There are already 7 chapters of this story written on draft( story doesn't end at chapter 7) and I'll slowly get them out one by one in short intervals. But since it's mostly experimental, my devotion to this story is not at a level you might expect, which might change depending on its future.


It has been about five months since I moved to Japan as an exchange student from a different country. During these five months, I did the utmost that I could in my studies at University, but inevitably, I lost all my drive and motivation when I came to learn how laid back Japan is as a country compared to my homeland. 

It came to the point where I'd just do nothing all day but loathe in my apartment and play games, even by going so far as to only eat convenience store-bought food so I wouldn't have to waste a nanosecond of cooking a healthier meal.

" My apartment is getting a bit too messy though. Gotta clean up when I have the time." - I said to myself as I slowly got out of the bath after just finished using it.

 Just on the floor are several instant ramen noodles and soda bottles scattered all over the floor. I think to myself that I'd eventually become a neet if I continued to live my life like a pig. Just thinking about what I might turn into sent a shiver down my spine. I absolutely cannot let myself succumb to slothfulness! 

" It'd be a bother if a lady sees my house like this, as well..." 

Steeling my resolve, I put on nothing but my huge loose shirt and began picking up the trash inside my apartment. Just having to use a lot of energy is already a pain in the ass, but I refuse to be a full fledge NEET. 

' Wait, am I stupid? Why am I picking up trash just after I finished taking a bath?'

A quarter of an hour later...

From the landfill of a home to a now livable habitat! Without a doubt, I'm proud of the achievement I just made. While wiping off my sweat, I gaze upon and admire my humble domain. It is nowhere near spotless, but it's inhabitable for a human! 

' Damn, am I amazing....'

Losing all the energy I have left, I fall flat on my back on my couch, panting but grinning at myself for bringing myself into such a sorry state. 




" Now I'm bored..." 

I take out my phone and browse through YouTube recommendations. I spent about a total of ten minutes just scrolling, not finding a single video that could pique my interest. 

" Oh, here's an interesting one! How to drink water, easy edition! It has five million views so you know it's legit." - Without missing a heartbeat, I click the video full of anticipation.

Video: " Hi, guys. Some of ya'll keep spamming my TikTok and shit, begging me how to do a How To Drink Water Tutorial. While this is indeed a complex action to perform, I will do my best to level it down to even a monkey like you could understand." 

' How considerate. I like him already.' 

Video: " Hm? What are you waiting for, monkey? Grab a bottle of water so we can do this together! I'm doing God's work here!"

' I want to participate but I seriously don't have the energy to get up and--'

Video: " Want me to squeeze you lots dry?! Stop complaining and grab your glass!"

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