Miss Sugar

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Gao: " Uhuh... So let me get this straight: My best friend, Y/N, has magically turned into a chick after waking up in the morning? No cap all fax...?

" Yes."

Gao: " I mean, you definitely talk and act like Y/N, yeah, but it's difficult to wrap my head around this..."

This is my best friend from school named Gao. Ever since coming to Japan, he has been the only guy that I can openly reach out to whenever I'm in a dilemma. He even cleans up my apartment whenever I call him out for help; sure, he complains about me being a sloth and all that, but he still doesn't hesitate to do what I tell him to.

' My personal slave, in short.'

" Tell me about it. I knew it was weird waking up this morning without getting a morning wood." - I sighed dejectedly.

Gao: " Yep. Such vulgar mouth; you're him, alright." - He says, deadpan.

Ever since I turned into a girl this morning, I can't help but be uneasy about the whole situation. I used to be 182 centimeters in height but now I've shrunken down to a mere 155 centimeters! Yes, I checked! Not only that, but I now have long brown hair that's as fluffy as cotton candy dangling behind me; its length alone can reach up to my knee!

But that's not even the worst part... but the fact that my tits barely grew at all is disappointing in all measures. I'm not really into boobs as a man, but isn't the size of one's titties the main selling point of a woman? Their pride and soul??

Vice: ' Wah... I never knew Goshujin was such a pervert...'

Gao: " I mean, we are living in the modern era. Creatures like demons and angels exist in our world and even coexist with us humans. Things like this happening to you is not something outside the realm of possibilities."

" Dude... are you saying that I'm not human but actually belong to the gender-bender race...?" - my eyes widen, looking like I just made some ground-breaking discovery.

Gao: " A race like that doesn't exist, moron."

' Surely, you know how this happened to me, right?'

I turn my attention to Vice who is just tuning in our conversation. Gao hasn't said anything about her so it's clear that I'm the only one that is capable of seeing her.

Vice: ' Aye! Like I told you earlier, this is a gift from the heavens to you!'

' How does me turning into a girl count as a gift? I mean, sure, it would be to some dude, but I don't have that kind of kink, lady.'

Vice: ' The heavens love you, Goshujin. They even gave you an inborn talent just for that alone! But when you said that you won't be using your talent for singing anymore, the heavens grew a bit too depressed...'

' So they turned me into a girl as punishment? Is that it...?'

Vice: ' Nuh-uh! It's quite the opposite! They gifted you the ability to turn into a girl just as you requested! That way, you will be able to use your talent again!'

Hearing Vice say this, I immediately started to piece things together.

' Just as I was about to sleep last night, I made a joke about me considering going back to singing if I turned into a cute girl... '

Vice: ' Aye, you finally get it! The heavens look forward to hearing you sing again! Truth be told, they certainly enjoyed hearing you sing again! I wish you could've seen the look on their faces last night when you finally picked up your guitar after so long and decided to sing a song! They were overjoyed, I tell you!'

Hololive's Sugar Idol [Hololive x fem/male reader]Where stories live. Discover now