*Chapter Two*

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Chapter Two: Friends Meet Again
Edited- July 24,2017
Raven POV
~~~What happened last time~~~~
Rachel looked at the  time once again then closed the room and ran out her house and climbed  onto her motorcycle since it will be easier with any sudden traffic  especially if she was already gonna be late But at least she'll be  Fashionably late
"I'm gonna be late, Shitttt!"
Today's chapter- Friends meet again
Rachel was on her motorcycle, quickly speeding to the park as she only had about 10 minutes to get there but knowing her friends they weren't going to arrive the exact time expect for some people such as herself. After getting yelled at by some people inside cars and speeding up as the light was on yellow, Rachel made it to the park with a minute to spare.

She parked her motorcycle and hopped off it, walking to their meetup place at the beautiful Park full of greenery. Memorizing exactly where she left she motorcycle, RacheI turned back around and kept walking. She finally made it to the meetup place and saw only Richard and Kori was there and waved

" Hey guys, seems like we're earlier then the others" Rachel said waving her hand in the air while yelling slightly so they can hear her, this caused Richard and Kori to pause their conversation and greet Rachel and talk to her.

" Rachel, Heyy! Hurry and come over here and talk while waiting for the rest!!" Yelled Richard louder then he had to which caused Rachel to Sweatdrop slightly ' so loud '

"Yea hurry Friend Rachel!" Screamed Kori loudly, even louder then richard 'Do they not know how to control their voices, shesh! '

"Okay and can you guys not scream so loud your attracting attention" Rachel said only yelling slightly controlling her voice as she pointed at several people staring and making comments on how loud they were

" oh GOMEN!!" yelled Kori while bowing her head to the people who swear dropped along with Rachel commenting on she was just being even louder and decided to run to them instead of sweat dropping

"okay okay I'm here please stop screaming" Rachel said as she stopped running in front of them only to be captured in a hug by kori, squeezing the air out her lungs "I'm sooooooo happy to see you again friend Rachel!" said the crying Kori

"I literally went to your house the other.. day oh i... Need.. A..ir!!" Said rachel who had her arms out to Richard who chuckled and grabbed her arm pulling her from the bone-crushing hug but not before hearing a muscles being pulled

" thanks.." said A panting Rachel who was catching her breathe then points to kori in a twirll causing to dress to flow around her

"Are you trying to kill me!!" Rachel said pouting slightly bring a light shade of pink appear on his cheeks but with a small throat clearing it was gone

' Was richard just blushing at Rachel' Thought kori slightly annoyed that her long time crush blushed at Rachel but never to her who was always wearing and doing cute things

"Well putting everything else aside, how have you guys been?" Richard asked after a silent pause at Kori dazing off

As she came out her daze kori glared at Rachel for w split second but gassed at what she was doing. when they asked why she gasped she just waved it off.

"uhh okay anyways It's been good and I assume the same for Kori, right?" rachel asked in a slightly worried voice as she was being quite an air head.

"Yea I had a lot of fun meeting up with friend richard a lot during the summer!" Kori said with a bright smile after waving off her thoughts from a few minutes ago

" I can tell you've been working on your language better, hopefully my tips helped you Kori" Spoke Richard as she now remembering Kori usually was uhh bad in language.

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