~Chapter Four~

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Chapter Four: Raven's home
Edited: August 6th 2017
Raven POV

Rachel, Kori and Richard were all walking to the mall almost there. Richards and Kori walking hand in hand while Rachel a bit in front of them not paying attention the others just focusing on getting to the mall and the scenery around them. Rachel for one was tired of the hot heat and wished it was fall, where is was cold but not freezing cold like the winter, plus she loved all the colors.

They kept walking until they finally made it to the mall and walked inside to be hit by cool air that Rachel appreciated as she was sweating slightly from the heat f2rom outside. She decided that after buying the bathing suit and walking around they would stop by and get some ice cream for her sake.

After walking inside the mall looking for a good store to go in, Kori grabbed Rachel hand and ran into her favorite shop 'PINK'. She was talking about how cute the things were in there and stuff while pulling Richard as well. Rachel laughed when she saw his miserable face wishing he didn't come.

They walked around and grabbed some clothing along with some bathing suits. well mostly Kori as she grabbed every cute item she saw already wanting to buy everything, Rachel already felt bad for that girls card hoping it had enough money to cover it all her clothing.

They soon went to the bathing suit section and looked at them all as Richard watched from a sit giving his opinion on them. Girls around them giggles as they thought Richard was Kori's Girlfriend and Rachel was his sister helping out as Richard and Rachel both had dark hair unlike Kori Pink Hair. This caused Rachel to sigh miserably as she was now labeled as the 'Sister' but I guess that's what she was but she liked the idea of 'bestfriend' better.

" Richard! What do you think about this one!!" Kori said as she grabbed a neon pink bathing two piece bathing suit and went to him waving in front of his face and then near her body.

" It's pretty you should get it" Richard said sighing but tried to sound as happy as possible but Rachel could tell he honestly could care less about the bathing suit and this whole shopping idea but then turned to Rachel and his eyes brighten a bit and asked her "How about you Rachel?"

"I haven't decided yet but I really don't care I'll probably get something simple or whatever I like I guess or not buy one I don't really plan to even get in the water" Rachel said waving off the idea Richard asked making him sigh and slouch in his seat

Girls around them who watched the scene giggled and whispered again "oh nvm I think he has the hots for the purple hair not the pinkie!" "Yea I can see that his eyes totally glowed as he asked plus just look at him looking at her when she isn't looking ahhh" "omg you're right, I wish someone would look at me like that" "Ikr, I need her to literally turn around and look at him in the eyes like notice him girl! He totally likes you!!"

Rachel was confused at what the girls were saying but that didn't stop a small blush from forming on her face and turned to look at them causing them to jump slightly. Rachel looked confused then gave a warm close-eyed smile before opening them to see the girls blushing and whisper again.

Rachel was once again confused but shrugged it off and decided to look at the bathing suit not really caring until she saw a cute bikini, The top/bra was white with black palm tree designs mostly just the leafs and the bottom was black with three straps design where the hips are.

She grabbed it checked the size and it was perfect she then went to richard with glowing eyes of how much she loved it and showed it. "oh my god Richard look at the palm trees!" She said a little too loudly making Kori and the girls from earlier look and they giggles and whispers again

" hehe it's beautiful design Rachel" Richard said chuckling and pat her on the head seeing how excited she was over black palm tree designs, she always loved that black and white theme and palm trees so it was perfect for her

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