~~Chapter 7~~

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Chapter Seven: Ball betrayal
OG posted: July 2, 2015
Edited: April 4, 2020


Raven POV
I was awakened from my dreamless slumber by an annoying buzzing in my ear, at first I thought it was my alarm and slammed my hand onto it but it never stopped. I then forcefully open my eyes, glancing at my clock realizing it was still too early in the morning to be my alarm, 6 am, looking around for the annoying buzzing my eyes then fell onto my phone that laid partly underneath my pillow and sighed.

I relentlessly click the answer button and put the phone to my ear, with a small yawn escaping my lips before I could speak but I could hear someone moving around as if they were walking around in a circle. I took a loud sigh before speaking in a tired voice as I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes "hello~?"

" Rea? Finally, you answered I was beginning to think that something could've happened to you, or maybe you were sleeping " It was Richard. With yet another sigh and place my phone on my bedside table and put it on speaker and hummed lightly, saying ' I was now pleaseee tell me what was sooo important that you had to wake me up thisssss early!'

" you were? sorry but I wanted to ask if you would like to go to the party later tonight, The whole gang is coming and they told me to ask " He spoke in slightly happy and hopeful voice but I just shrugged it off and hummed an ' oh reallyyyy? '

" Honey, I hope you realize you're telling me to go party on a school night, and when we have a quiz tomorrow. that's like asking the impossible from me. But I'll see if I end up showing up later. now I need to get up byee "

" nice, text me later if you really do plan on coming so I can come to pick you up or meet up with you there, byee rea." He quickly said only getting a hum 'alright now end this call' from me as she grabs a hair tie and put my hair up in a bun.

" arghh " Rachel screamed as she dropped herself back onto her bed, laying

Richard POV
That was so lame! I'm so lameeee! This was supposed to be too easy just ask your crush to come to the party with you but nooo I decided to just tell her to home and hang out with the whole gang. I mean it wasn't a complete failure she did say she'll think about it and everyone else will start drinking and dancing so I can get her alone and hopefully confess my feelings!

yea.. that should work, I hope at least. Rachel tonight will be the day I finally confess my feelings for you after all these years of silently crushing!

Later that night, Rachel POV
" Oh my god! Why the fuck do you guys need to be so loud!! " she frustrated yelled as she covered her ears annoyed, slamming her pencil down onto her desk and sigh. Running her finger through her hair in annoyance. ' to think these many people would go to a party on not only a school night but before important exams that are coming up! '

She huffed in anger, causing one of the glass frames in her room to crack, This caused her to begin to close her eyes and begin breathing deeply as she calmed her never down. Nobody was home at the moment, her parents, wouldn't be back till the next for business as usual. Suddenly the loud doorbell rang, signaling someone was at the door.

She stood up with yet another sigh and ruffled her hair annoyingly as she walked to the door that was now moving as the person began to knock the door instead of the ringing the doorknob which scared her, thinking about her family and their.. business. She put a hand behind her and summoned her power so she can punch them and knock them out if it turned out to be someone. " Who is it? " She yelled

Silence... " It's me, Kori! " Rachel sighed as she let her power disperse and reached to open the door, once she did she frowned as she saw her glammed up with a pretty gown with purple with a pinkish sheen dress and gloves to her elbows and a white flower in hand and smiled happily.

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