~Chapter 6~

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Chapter 6: Karaoke
Before Updating: June 24,2015 11:30 am
After Updating: Nov 10, 2017 3pm
Edited Chap Posted: Feb 16 9:19pm
A/N: I have a new layout of how I like writing my stories you will see near the end of this chapter, but you can clearly see it in my story "The Fallen Angle", please go read it if you want also PLAY SONG LATER when raven is singing in karaoke! Noww lights~! Camera~! ACTION~~!!

~Third person with Rachel~
    Rachel woke up to her mother calmly poking her in the stomach along with other ticklish places that made her jump slightly and almost fall off the bed before her mom grabbed her by the leg to stop her from falling.

    "Morning mother~" Rachel sang while her mother held her by the leg as she dangled off her bed before being pulled back onto the bed.

    "Morning Rachel" Arella said with a warm smile as she let go off her legs "Time to get ready for school today will be quite busy as you will be going to school and hanging out with friends and I will be doing the usual paper work"

    "Yes of course, don't forget to feed the birds well I'll be getting ready now and I guess i could make plans for uhh Karaoke? maybe" Rachel said not sure as she made some last second plans while sitting up from her bed stretching.

    "sounds nice have fun~!" Arella said before walking out the room with a wave and headed to her study room to finish the pile of paper work but not before feeding the doves and other birds "Oh don't come home too late~!" spoke arella from down the hallway loud enough so Rachel could hear.

    Rachel let a hum in response, just loud enough so her mother can hear and continue on her way to the devil it self.. Paperwork. Rachel flopped onto her bed with a soft 'thud' relaxing a bit. Lately Rachel and her mother have been on good terms, they now talk and enjoy walks outside or grab lunch together, they no longer just speak to tell of something involving her work. It was a breathe of fresh air for the both of them.

    Rachel decided to relax a bit longer while in her thoughts before the moment was shattered by her phone ringing. She groaned loudly and grabbed it phone, gently taking off the charger and putting it to her ear as she answered.

    "Hello?" She said in the nicest voice possible but it still sounded slightly annoyed while laying on her bed with closed eyes.

    "Rachel no falling back to sleep now~!" A voice she very much knew spoke as she was speaking to her only a few minutes ago and thinking about, Her mother

    "haha I know" She spoke with a laugh thinking her mother called her just for that and ended the call dropping her phone on her bed and sitting up stretching again. After a short while she stood up and walked to her closet grabbing simple high-waisted black jeans with cuts on the knees and a cropped slightly tight gray shirt that stopped a bit above her jeans.

    For the sake of the dress code which she could careless about she grabbed a black and white blazer and put it on and rolled the sleeve up to her shoulders. She slipped on some cute black boots and a watch and necklace and put her headphones in her backpack along with her changer and mints and the normal school supplies.

    She jumped onto the railing of the grand stairs and slide down after brushing her hair which was wavy from having her hair in braids and set them with hairspray. She grabbed a water bottle and her lunch from the kitchen and left the house, yelling a goodbye as she left and hopped into a limo and on her way to school.

    She didn't like huge entrances and told the limo to stop a few blocks away the school and she continued walking the rest of the way. But not before telling the Limo driver to order a party bus to pick her up, the biggest one they could find.

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