Chapter 29 - Marriage

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So I guess I would soon become a father of four, huh?


Aren't twins meant to be rare?

Like 1% rare!?

And Ai just went and had two of them.

Haa... well, I'm not complaining that much, it just... changes some things.

I'd need to get a new crib, rearrange the nursery, and then get some more bottles and diapers.

Lots to do...

"Mama! Papa! You're back!"

My excitable daughter runs up to us after we open the door, her little arms trying to wrap around my waist to no avail.

"So? Am I getting a new little brother or a new little sister?" She asks with enthusiasm.

Looking past her, I can see Aqua peering over past the couch.

Guess he's also interested.

"Well... do you want to say it, sweetie?" I ask Ai.

Placing down her purse, Ai sets her hands on her hips and pushes out her chest, striking a pose, before making a declaration filled with confidence.

"You'll be getting... sisters!"

Well, that was quite blunt.

But that's just like her.

"Yipee! I'm getting a new sister...s? What do you mean sisters?"

I then pull out the ultrasound picture before handing it to Ruby while Aqua strides over to see.

"What she means, is that you're getting two little sisters, not just one." I answer.

When Aqua sees the ultrasound, his eyes widen in surprise as his mouth gapes open.

"...Twins." He mutters, barely louder than a whisper.

"Twins!?" Ruby exclaims with some enthusiasm.

I'm getting some deja vu from that word.

As Ruby and Aqua take in the news, we begin walking into the living room, Ai leaning her head on my shoulder on the way.

"So do you want to look over some names tonight?" She asks.

"Sure, but I was going to give you a massage tonight." I reply.

Ai stops walking.

"...With oil?" She asks with an unusual seriousness.

"With oil." I assure.

She audibly gulps before continuing toward the couch, her legs closed a little more tightly together.

"G-Good." She responds shakily.

I could see the tint of red on her cheeks while her lips were curled up slightly in anticipation.

How cute.

After doing multiple healing magic massages both for Ai and the baby, I decided to add oil and physical stimulation to the routine, which led to some arousing moans from my now fiancee, both from the massage itself and the... things, that happened afterwards.

I guess she was excited.

I will aim to not disappoint!

----- Ai POV - 2 Months Later -----

A few months had passed since I had become engaged, and I was now halfway through my pregnancy, the baby bump now obviously visible.

And it was finally time for me to become a married woman.

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