xii. dear court jester

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𝔞𝔡 𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔞

to the person whom I've forgotten how to understand


Hear ye, the court jester's hearsay of woes,
That oddball who can't fit in amongst crowds,
How I loathe the laughter that oft bellows,
A hoax of hysterics echoes so loud;

Clad in facepaint distorting to her whims,
In the speed of snuffing out candlelight —
'Tis why my ire goes past beyond the brim,
She's yet to perceive her smiles are finite;

Still, dear jester, I worry about you,
Do you still don masks even when alone?
Would that glower of yours be ours to view?
How would you react to your cover blown?

These queries shall never gain a reply,
The crowd awaits their jester, so — goodbye!


Dear Court Jester | Inkyspecs | 2023

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