Chapter 49 (Part - 1): Room 149!

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It's time for Logan's adventure in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, it's probably his first time being here, he can't remember being here before, he might have with Alexis when she was at Elimination Chamber nearly 2 years ago now but that was pretty much right after he woke up from the crash and he was on wicked pain meds, so this is his first time here, especially solo, so the first thing he did when he got to his hotel room for his big night tomorrow night, he called Alexis. 

Alexis: ... So your not going to tell me if your winning?

Logan shook his head "No" to her, he of course knows, so does Roman, so does Paul, even his newest members of the Pack are here tonight, somewhere in the Hotel, waiting to make their stamp back on the WWE Roster.

Logan: I want you to enjoy it like I enjoyed all your matches when I was home alone.

It was a tough time for them both back then, honestly, Logan was in a deep dark place, he didn't want to do anything or see anyone, if it wasn't for Alexis pushing him, he might not be here right now, he really does owe her his life, giving her a family and everything she's ever dreamed of seems like a fair deal.

Logan: Hold on, gimme a sec.

Logan scooted off the bed and walked towards the door after there was another knock, Logan already knew who it was, it's PPV night and that can only mean one thing, it's time for Logan to dress up and fuck the girls he's been giving while wearing a mask even though they can tell who he is because he always has the same mask.

Tabitha: Good luck, for tonight and tomorrow.

Logan smiled his thanks to her, shut the door and took the little black box over to the table, he flipped his phone to stand so he can still speak to Alexis, it's a flip phone, Logan's probably the only one in their social circle that doesn't have an iPhone, he's also the only one who never complains about his phone being messed up in some sort of way or having his pictures leaked, he's just saying.

Logan: Room 149. Room 187 and Room 209. With the same message as last time.

Logan showed the cards to her as he listed them off, he wasn't sure if this was the best idea with the biggest match of his life tomorrow night but he's pretty sure he can push through it, he used to be able to, he just needs to get back into that old rhythm of how things worked, it shouldn't take too long but he is going to be getting a couple weeks break after Survivor Series, Aelin will be with them by Christmas which is only 7 weeks away now, it's coming fast.

Alexis: She gave you the Wolf mask again.

Logan looked to her with an "Are you serious?" look, then as he didn't look away from her, he pulled the mask out the box, made it cover his face then asked "What do you think?", Alexis chuckled as it was becoming pointless at this point, the masks didn't even really make sense in this concept but apparently the Orgy will be back for the Rumble, that's the one that Alexis is hoping to take part in, Aelin will be 2 months old by then, she should be good to fuck at that point.

Logan: Lex, as much as I love talking to you. I now need a shower and drink a lot of Red Bull. Bye, love you.

Alexis blew him a kiss as she ended the call, Logan just closed the phone with a satisfying clap, then went to get ready for a shower, he drank a lot of water throughout the day with anticipation for this happening tonight, he wasn't sure it would be with the stricter rules that are over in this country but apparently their going through with it.

After maybe just under an hour or so, Logan was ready for tonight, mask in hand, phone in his pocket and shorts on, just like last time, he doesn't want to get caught walking around this country naked, he might get his cock chopped off which isn't something he or the girls want, he's a favorite amongst them, apparently, even Trish Stratus is asking about him.

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