That Didn't go as Planned

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⚠️ strong mentions of suicide⚠️ (I know this is the second warning in the last 8 chapters but there shouldn't be another warning for a while. Hope it's ok)

It's only been three weeks since I've been back and I don't know how I'm supposed to cope with the rest of the summer. Every day is just a constant screaming match, guilt-tripping the other person to give you what you want. It's disgusting and sad.

For once it hasn't been that bad of a day. It wasn't the best, but not the worst. I've only had one small argument with my father and my step-mum was out of town with Rebecca. The fact that it's been a good day is just making me more prepared for a shitty end.

I'm currently upstairs listening to the last song we were able to record at Hogwarts before the end of the school year while cleaning my room. Putting clothes away properly and organizing music sheets into neater piles.

I started writing another song just after school started, I told everyone about it and now Dani has convinced his mum to get something for us to record on in their house. Said they'll magic it up or something.

"Freya, get your ass down here"

Well, there goes my peace and quietness. I put my music away quickly and then scurry down the stairs to see my stepmum.

"Put these bags away and then go get the rest from the car" she ordered while chucking multiple bags at me. Before I was able to make it past the doorway Rebecca came in chucking her bags towards me and complaining.

"I'm hungry. Where's my dinner?"

My answer was muffled by the tower of bags now way past my head but there was still an audible "I'll start making it soon"

"What do you mean soon? I've been out shopping all day. I'm starving. I want it now. What's the point of having you around if you do nothing, you're absolutely useless" She howled.

This fucking family. Always treating me like I'm some sort of slave. Like I'm a stupid house elf. I have feelings too. Wants and needs. I don't even think this type of treatment is legal. And they say slavery ended in 1865. Why does nobody treat me like a bloody equal?

"What's the point of having your own two arms and legs if you don't use them" I backfired as I dropped all their shopping bags to the floor. My spot mother gasped as she started picking them all up again.

"You little brat. Look at what you've done. Malcom do something" my stepmother cried out to my father who was once again, drunk on the couch, what a shocker.

"We can go out for dinner, Freya, you can stay here and clean. No dinner for you tonight" my dad slurred slightly as he stood up.

"That's not fair, she just ruined my new shoes. She just dumped all my happiness onto the floor, I want justice, I want her joy taken away, I- I- I want-" Rebecca started to stutter as she thought hard, which must be a really difficult thing for her considering a chicken could be more intelligent than her. Sadly, the bleach in my step-mums hair hasn't affected her brain yet.

"We want her removed from that stupid freak show of a school she goes to"

"No, you can't do that. Please anything but that" I begged my father. "No. You failed to do as they asked so it's only fair they pick the punishment, you will not return back to hogborts or whatever it's called this year"

I felt my world shatter around me. Time just seemed to freeze. I stood shocked as they left the house for dinner. My vision going blurry from all the tears that were cascading down my cheeks.


They can't

Hogwarts is my home, my safe place.

But they are. Merlin, I can't believe this. I'm stumbling around the house trying to make it to the kitchen table.

I collapsed onto a chair and buried my head into the table as I uncontrollably sobbed into my arms.

Hours. It felt like I had been crying for hours when really it had only been a few minutes. All my memories of Hogwarts flashing through my brain, knowing I would never be there again.

My life is over.

I look up for a minute and threw my blurry vision I see a bunch if my dads pills and alcohol. Would it be bad if I ended it all now. They'll be gone for a thew hours and it's not like they would care.

I push myself off of the chair and grab multiple pill bottles and shoving them into my pocket while grabbing a bottle of rum and taking a long drink. I search threw the kitchen draws for the first sharp object I could find, a letter opener.

I climbed up the stairs, my drink still in my hand and headed towards the washroom.

Is this really a smart idea Freya? Your friends will miss you.

Friends that I'll never see again anyways. I start running the bath while I full the pill bottles out of my pocket and place them on the bathroom counter.

I lose count over how many I take. I know the bottle is empty and most of the pills are gone though. Grabbing the letter opener, I fall against the wall behind me.

One cut. Two cuts. Three cuts.

I don't feel anything but I'm blaming it on the pills. The only evidence that I actually did it was the red, glossy liquid flowing out of my wrist and covering my hand.

I lower my weak body into the bath and close my eyes. I'll go under on three.


I'm fully surrounded by the water as my head hits the bottom of the tub. I feel myself running out of air but I don't fight to get back to the surface.

Then everything is silent.

It's over

I'm gone

"Nurse! Nurse! I think she's waking up"

This is a really depressing chapter and I personally think it's badly written but I'm already late to post. If you are struggling mentally there are plenty of people you can reach out to. You can talk to me even if you want to. I thought about skipping this all together and not have her take an attempt on her life but it plays a big role of the story so I had to.

Who would you rather live with, James or Remus?

Me personally I would pick Remus

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