Summer Rain

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The rain battered the roof hard as it came down. Lundgren ignored the storm raging outside as he wiped down the makeshift counter.

It had been four years since he set up shop as a trader in this raggedy old shack. It took a few days to gather supplies to fix it up and make it workable but he did it. "Storm is raging pretty hard out there," he said to himself.

As he finished whipping down the counter he sighed and ran a hand through his dull blonde hair. Oh, how he missed being young.

Back then his hair was lush and brighter. Now it was just soft and duller with age.

The door to Lundgren's shack slammed open. Lundgren was about to hurry and close it, figuring it was the wind from the storm that blew it open when two pale boys in heavy jackets stepped in. The oldest boy who looked to be around sixteen closed the door behind them.

The older boy was slim and looked to be around five foot nine. He had a scoped M1 Garand slung over his right shoulder.

The youngest boy looked to be around ten years old, he had a blue bandana wrapped around his eyes. He also was slim and stood at around four foot nine.

"What can I do for you boys?" Asked Lundgren in his soothing voice.

"We need a place to stay for the night sir." The older boy spoke firmly.

Lundgren took the time to listen to the storm outside, it was raging hard. The rain beat on the tin roof and the walls while the wind howled and cackled. "I suppose you boys can stay the night," Lundgren said softly, offering a small smile to the two boys.

The older boy simply grunted and took off his hood to show his wet messy dark brown hair. He took the younger boy his brother if Lundgren had to guess over to where an old coat rack was. The two boys took off their jackets and hung them up to dry.

"Can I uh...can I get your names?" Lundgren asked gently.

The older boy turned and answered him. "My name is Gordan and this," he said, gesturing to the younger boy. "Is my little brother Vern."

"Well nice to meet you, Gordon, Vern you may call me Mr. Lundgren." Lundgren replied smiling.

Neither Gordon nor Vern smiled back. Gordon looked on edge with the M1 Garand still slung over his shoulder.

"What were you boys doing out there?" Asked Lundgren.

"Traveling," Gordon replied.

"Where you headed?" Lundgren asked.

"Nowhere in particular." Gordon said.

Lundgren stood there silent, watching as the two brothers stood there with Gordon looking over Vern. The two then sat down at a small table. Lundgren wandered over to the small makeshift stove where a pot was boiling stew which consisted of potatoes, carrots, and whatever good meat Lundgren could get his hands on.

As he stirred the stew he talked with Gordon. "That M1 Grand you got there son..."

"What about it?" Gordon asked sharply.

"Just wondering where you got it," Lundgren replied calmly.

"I traded it"

Lundgren nodded. He'd done trades like that before so it wasn't unusual for something like that to happen. "Are you a good shot with it?" Lundgren asked.

"I am," Gordon replied.

"I hope you boys like stew!" Lundgren said.

"We're not picky." Gordon said.

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