XI. Why?

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Heizou ran back to the throne room tears still in his eyes, "Shikanoin! Wait..." Sara walked out of her room with a different dress then before, with Itto following. "I heard a bit on what happened outside, let's go." Sara and Heizou walked to the throne room with Itto following behind them.

"Seems like your partner isn't here?"

"H-he must have hid, I know him well enough to know he's not stupid!"

"Ah, my beloved daughter, both of you sit." Takayuki looked at Heizou and Sara with a fake caring and loving look, the two sat in seats next to him. "And you, the peasant. Go next to your lover on the ground." The king said in an angry voice, Itto sat down quickly, it was mainly out of fear, "Now, you two, amuse us. We don't have all night" Shinobu scoffed at him, "No."


"I'm not going to amuse you for your entertainment. If you want to be entertained then go to a theatre"

"Don't tell me what to do"

"I don't have to if it's wrong and stupid."

"It's not wrong nor stupid, it's your king's request. Amuse us peasants."

"Make me." 

"Lock these peasants up, they leave me no choice." Takayuki sighed and shook his head, "Yes your majesty." Heizou responded, he walked down to where Shinobu and Itto were, "You idiot, why are you doing this?" The older girl scoffed, "I'm doing my job now quit complaining." Heizou rolled his almost tear filled eyes, "You know, you can just run away, you and Sara." Itto said suggesting it would be best for his mental health, "Ah, I would but if my parents found me I would be in trouble, worse if Sir Masahito." Heizou said, "Masahito?" Shinobu asked curious, "Sara's older brother, you know Shi, she wants to know you better." Heizou said, "What?" 

"She does."
"I have another question."
"Why are you being different than usual."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do."
"Just...just go."

Heizou put the two in a cellar downstairs, "I'm...sorry." He left to go back upstairs. 

"Oh, Heizou come here. We're just planning you and Sara's wedding, sit." Takayuki pulled a chair for him next to Sara, who looked stressed and full of despair. "Sara, are you doing ok? You seem pale." 

Oh, yeah I'm fine just tired.

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