Chapter 7

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A couple of weeks went by of farming and house renovating. And that one group of girls, who I found out the main girls name is Sam. They still felt it was their responsibility to rough me up a bit. There are very few things that are my weakness but these girls somehow created a potion out of weeds found around the farm, this means that they can coat their fists and boots so when I get hurt the only way I can heal is through time. Then again I still have been through worse and just let them do whatever because I was leaving soon and they are going to be here for at least another year.

It was 7:00 A.M. and at this time I am usually the only one up for at least half an hour before anyone else. “Quinn?” Jen had my paperwork and was sifting through it. “The S.T.I.C.'s said they wanted your paperwork so they could look at some things but what did you say was your last name again? It’s not listed anywhere.” Her eyebrows pinched together in confusion and spread the papers all over the table to get a better look at everything all at once.

“Um… I didn’t.” She looked up at me with the same confused look she was giving the papers. 

“What? H-how? I-I-I…” She was stumbling on her words and frantically looking through the papers.

“Hey, it's fine we will just put it down and no one will know.” I grabbed a pen and was about to write it down when Jen pulled it right out of my hand. “Hey!”

“We can’t do that, they are almost-” The doorbell rang. “-here.” She put the pen down and gestured for me to come with her to the door.

Jen answered the door and it was that one detective, he was holding a briefcase. He held out his hand for Jen to shake it. “Hello I’m detective Shawn Hart.” He opened his briefcase and pulled out an evidence bag. “This is old evidence, we’ve had it for a little over a year. Can you tell me what it is?” He held up the bag so we could see what was inside.

“Charred hair?” I asked, trying to make it seem like I didn’t know. I could tell that was my dark brown hair from one of my very first missions where a super, Quake, had cut off some of my hair with a knife he found lying around, and another super, Magma, had lava everywhere so I just assumed it just burnt all the way and was untraceable. I was wrong. Out of all the hair that he had, only about half of it was burnt. Lucky for me they did that to over 10 other people that day too so there was no way they could tell which villain I was just that I was there.

He let out a breathy laugh and put it back in his briefcase. “Quinn, may I ask what your last name is?” He pulled out a pen and a memo pad.

“Barker, Quinn Barker.” I said confidently, he looked up, looked me in the eyes and then continued to write my name down.

“Alright, you need to come with me. Pack up your things. I’ll wait.” He put his memo pad back into his coat jacket. It didn't take me long to get my things because I kept everything in my duffle bag. I did have to take my bed apart though, the sheets weren’t mine but I thought I would make things easier for Jen when she had to come and wash them.

    I folded the sheets, got my bag and turned around. “What did you have to get out early?” It was Sam and everyone else. They were passing around a spray bottle and straying their shoes and fists. “You know what? Don't care.” her right hook was strong and knocked me to the ground.

I felt my lip bleeding. I got a few boots to the gut and ribs and a couple to the face. They left and I went to look in the mirror, although the fight was quick I had already mostly stopped bleeding. The problem was now I had cuts all over my face. I used water to wash away most of the blood. There was a gash on my head that might bleed for a while so I put a band-aid over it. I lifted up my shirt to look at the damage and bruises were already starting to form, one especially large one made me think that one or two of my ribs were broken. I grabbed my duffle back and headed back downstairs.

“Woah. what happened?” Jen asked as she grabbed the sides of my face. This is the first time she has seen any of my injuries because Sam was usually careful enough not to leave any obvious wounds.

“Nothing. I fell.” I backed up. She gave me a look of sympathy. Despite my background I was a horrible liar. She gave me a tight hug and her contact information just in case I wanted to talk. I went out to detective Hart's car and started the long journey all over again.

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