Chapter 8

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Once again I ended up in an interrogation room. This time I was shackled hands and feet and I was hooked up to the floor, the restraints are the police’s newly invented cuffs for supers. They contain different weaknesses for every super recorded, so no chance of escaping. I got to wear my normal clothes though so that was a bonus. Two large men came into the room following detective Hart and his junior cop brother. The two large men stood in opposite corners close to the wall opposite of me. The detective sat across from me and his brother stood behind him because there was only one chair.

He organized a file that he had brought in along with more than one bag of evidence.“All these have allowed us to know exactly who you are.” Once he said that a pit in my stomach dropped, there were always other people there so I assumed that they wouldn’t come to a firm conclusion. “We know exactly who you are with and without the mask. Well not ‘we’.” He gestured around the room. “I’m the only one here that knows, it will stay that way unless you choose otherwise.”

Most villains knew who their enemies were as well but there was an unwritten rule where the only person allowed to reveal who was behind the mask was the one behind the mask. “How long?” I asked, I couldn’t hide the sadness in my voice.

“Well that’s the thing… um…” For the first time the detective seemed nervous and was shuffling through his papers. “I was made aware by the commissioner of your situation…and…” He was looking around and shuffling through his papers some more. He must have heard that my parents are a Maz and a Mov.

“We have a mission for you.” A booming voice erupted from the door and everyone flinched. It was commissioner Brandon York, he wasn’t yelling, he was just naturally loud. “One that is too risky for my S.T.I.C.’s” I tried not to laugh, I still find the name absolutely ridiculous.

Everyone else gathered their things and left. I could tell how much they didn’t want to get caught in the cross hairs. There was no two way mirror or camera so it was just us.

“So you want me to do something for you with a risk of dying?” I sat back in my chair and had a small smile.

“No.” My smile slowly faded. “Because you don’t die.” What he said made me sit up, the only people who knew that was my family. And with this information it didn’t matter if I wanted to or not I was going to.

I never let myself get that hurt for anyone to even suspect that might be a possibility. Invincibility was not uncommon, but I let myself get hurt because it makes me feel human and not like plastic. But even letting myself get hurt doesn’t change the fact that I can recover from any form of injury, including when people use my weakness, that is also including any piercing through the heart or head which no one recovers from.

“Now I have your attention.” He smirked but it went away as fast as it came on. “I need you to go undercover into Cape View Academy.”

The school is for high level supers, most that go to that school are S.T.I.C.’s or wannabe S.T.I.C.’s. The school does 10th grade through one year of college, separate campuses for many reasons. The school does rigorous super training and mostly houses Mov’s with the exception of a few Maz’s.

He then went on to explain that some of the people who went there started to turn into Maz’s, no rhyme or reason just went bad and it was my job to figure it out. I wouldn’t be the only one, they were collecting Maz’s from all over to bring into the school to find out what is happening. But as a precautionary measure they were having all of us wear the bracelets to make sure we weren't compromising anything. We were also being mixed into more normal Maz’s that were also going into the school, there were about ten of us to investigate out of over a hundred others.

“Come back in.” The commissioner boomed again. Detective Hart came back a little cautious. “Hart will explain the rest to you.”

The detective gathered his papers again. “My brother here will be your assigned officer.” He pointed to the boy who I knew to be Alex, so my hunch was correct, siblings. “Think of him as your probation officer, that bracelet will track everything you do and everywhere you go but instead of everything going into a system he will be checking it personally. Your mission is to act like a normal teenager, and go to things like parties and sports games, you will see if anyone approaches you with suspicious behavior. You will report everything to Alex. Unlike the girls' home you will have no restriction of your powers so when you get there they will need to do the test to see what level you are at.” He handed a much smaller folder to his brother, I assume it has all the necessary info about me. “Good luck.”

Alex came over and unhooked my shackles from the floor and uncuffed me. He took off the old bracelet and put on a new one. It was gold and was a thin chain, it had a charm in the shape of a star, this one looked more like a bracelet except there was no way for me to take it off. The second it slipped onto my wrist it tightened just enough so it was still a little loose but not big enough to get it over my hand.

I was brought to yet another car, this time an suv. It again was going to be a long journey. When I got into the car I recognized a couple of people, the ones who came to the girls home, Vicky and Jake. This was definitely going to be a very long ride.

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