found out

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School went uneventful the rest of the day and I just smiled when Jake had pulled me from the hallway and we walked to the teacher parking lot and got in to his black mustang. I smiled at his craziness as he sang Teenage Dream very off key. I stepped in at my favorite part and sang pitch perfect with Katy Perry. I was quiet after the song ended, but I didn't mind I was happy. I have mate and he is gorgeous. When we got home I was laughing at the funny joke Jake told me when my parent stepped in front of us. "Oh fudge," I said because I was going to tell them later after we had Jake's stuff moved into my room. "Mom, Dad this is my mate Jake and I love him so be nice," I told them then left to grab a quick drink before going back into the awkward silence that was there. "So Jake and I are going to move his stuff into my room then do something," I told my parents and quickly grabbed Jake's hand and ran up to his room. I knew it was his room because I could smell him the most in it. I saw all of his boxes and quickly grabbed one and put it in his arms. After grabbing one for my self we walked to my-our room.

We were finished in a hour thanks to his lack of boxes and our awesome friends that helped once in a while. All our friends are mated so they left for their mates. I smiled when I saw the half empty box and my gorgeous mate on the floor. I walked over to him and got on his back for a piggyback ride of course ask and you shall receive. He picked me up and left the box there to carry me to the bed where he flopped down on top of me on it. It knocked the air out of me so in between gasping for breath I was giggling the entire time. I let go of Jake and he got up and turned around grabbing my legs in the process. We looked into each others eyes and I saw them turn black with lust, before I could say anything he pulled me into a passionate kiss and I finally pulled away when he was getting to carried away. "Jake no more. I'm not ready yet," I told him with a pleading look in my eyes. "Okay sweety I love you," he told me. "I love you to. Now let's first because I'm pretty sure they started dinner without us."


If you want this to keep going your going to have to pitch in ideas because I'm out!

That is all now back to your normal programming

14 year old mateWhere stories live. Discover now