Yoongi's Worry

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"Neither will HE admit Nor will SHE confess

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"Neither will HE admit Nor will SHE confess......Oh gosh!! What a heavenly mess..."

Taehyung Pov

After meeting her brother and bidding her a goodbye, i went back to my house and layed on my bed.

I was laying on my bed lost in her thoughts. Did I fall in love?? Will she be the right one?? Will she ever accept me?? Even if she loves me what if she is doing this because I am famous?? Will I ever found my true love?

Then i suddenly came to think of my mom. The world's most romantic lady I have ever seen.

She will randomly go to my dad and say things like

'I am lost in the art of loving you'
'I may never find words beautiful enough to describe all that you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them.'
'If tomorrow brings new hope, I hope it brings you'

And yeah...she never forgets her iconic wink after saying things like this....and my dad...he just blushes.

I knew my mom was a hopeless romantic type of girl. That's the reason my dad fall in love with her.

I still remember how my mom proposed my dad on their 10th anniversary.

Mom : I love you not only for what you are but what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

Dad : You are my Lavender, Love.

My mom was that extrovert, a hopeless romantic girl while my dad....he was shy but he never failed to express his love towards my mom.

I love their love story of falling in love and how they love each other like there's no tomorrow.

I don't know why I suddenly came to think of them. I think I miss them or am I craving for someone to love me like my mom loves my dad.
I think I found her.

Is this what people call Love At First Sight ??? Or Falling In Love For The First Time ???


Y/N Pov

I was walking with my brother in the dark streets.

Yoongi : Y/N....

Y/N : Hmm
(I turned my face towards him)

Yoongi : I want to talk about that actor.... Kim Taehyung.

Y/N : huh

Yoongi : Tells talk when we reach home.

Yoongi's Pov

I was scared....i don't know why....the way he looked at my sister that scares me....When I saw him with her i remembered my dad.


Rainy Days --- KimTaehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now