Brimstone From Boston Part 2

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The knock came suddenly, startling Pyro from her thoughts. She quickly let herself into the bathroom,

"Thanks for that." Scout leaned against the edge of the sink, looking relieved to see her. She turned on the light to grt a better look at him. Short light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a lithe yet strong build. She noticed his eyes light up,

"Like what you see?"

"You wish. Come on, let's go." She slung her backpack onto the floor and waited for him to resize himself and get comfortable.

"Sorry it isn't more comfortable." He waved her off,

"It's fine. I get a better view of your-" she cut him off by zipping the back shut and gently slinging it across her shoulders. She made her way back to her room without incident and locked the door behind her. She quickly unzipped the bag,

"Finally! I felt like a pretzel in there!" Scout srretched his limbs before the familiar orange glow appeared. He became what she assumed was his normal size, choosing to sit at her desk as she sat on the bed. A silence fell between them before she spoke up,

"What's your true form look like?" He knew that question was coming. He also knew (with self-affirmed certainty) that she wouldn't like what she saw. None of the other humans he'd met had, so what was to say she would think differently?

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." She frowned,

"How do you know what I do and don't want to know? If i didn't want to know, then why would I ask? Besides, I already saw your tail earlier." He swore,

"I'm still getting used to sustaining illusions during summoning, it takes a lot more energy than maintaining one normally. " She nodded empathetically,

" I'm still learning how to use my magic too. That grimoire didn't come with an instruction manual. "

"Nope. They never do." Silence lapsed between them once more, before he finally sighed,

" Fine, I'll show you." She jumped up off the bed, excitement written on her face,

" Hell yea!" He held up a finger, a stern look on his face,

"Not so fast. You gotta promise not to scream, or throw more stuff at me. I still have a lump where your book bonked me. Got it?" She nodded. He moved to stand in the middle of the room, the glow overtaking him. She didn't dare look away for fear of missing any details..

Soon enough, the glow ceased and he stood before her. He blinked as they gazed at one another. She ran over and hugged him,

"You look.... You look...."

"Ugly? Horrifying? Frightening?" His voice was gruffer, harsher somehow, but the Boston accented underlined it still.

"You look AWESOME!" She squeezed him tighter,

"Oh my god: are those horns?! Ooo can I touch them?" He seemed almost bashful at her enthusiasm,

"Uh, yea. Just be careful, they're sensitive." She gently rubbed the two nubby horns that stuck out just below his hairline.

"They're -adorable. " Now he was blushing,

"Aww jeez. Ya makin' me all warm inside." She ran her hands up to his shoulders and over his back, she felt him tense under her touch. She pulled away, her hands resting on his arms,

"Sorry. I get too excited sometimes. Did I hurt you?"

He wouldn't look at her.


She grew concerned, looking into his eyes she asked,

"You sure? You tensed up like I hurt you somehow. Why won't you look at me now?" His whole body burned in embarassment,

"You touched my wings. Well, what used to be my wings." She gasped,

"Oh god. What did they do to you?" She'd felt mere stubs when she'd briefly touched his back, she couldn't fathom an entire set of wings having been there.

"I said some shit to someone I shouldn't have, and I got punished for it. They'll grow back, eventually. I haven't fed in awhile, so it's taking longer than it should."

She pulled him towards the bed, where they sat upon it as she mulled over his words.

"Fed? On what exactly? " He gestured vaguely, avoiding her eyes,

"Well, you know....I'm an Incubus." Realization dawned on her,

"Oh. Oh. Heh. I uhm....I wasn't aiming to summon a particular class or type of demon....." He nudged her playfully,

"Ya sure bout that toots? We're kinda...notoriously easy to summon." She hastily put space between them,

"No! I swear. I just wanted to test my abilities. Not to say I'm disheartened at having succeeded." He relaxed,

"Good. I thought for a second you was gonna say I'm unworthy and toss me back like some too-small fish." She look horrified,

"Just what did the other..... Summoners do to you?" A downcast expression crossed his face before his body tensed in deepseeded anger,

"I got summoned by this chick in purple. She mocked me for bein' smaller than the other Incubi she'd summoned previously. She said I wasn't good enough, so I got sent back with nothin' to show for it. The Master of my clan wasn't happy 'bout that. I told him it wasn't my fault she had unrealistic expectations. He cut my wings off for sayin' so. "

A feeling of horror mixed with fury came over Pyro. "Who could be so cruel?! It's hardly your fault for not "pleasing" her."

He gave a rueful smile,

"My father saw things differently. "

Scout x Fem Pyro DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now