Scorched Steel Finale

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"Go out there and apologize to her." Engineer's voice was firm, his expression serious.

Scout nodded,

"Alright. If things go well, I'll be back in five. If they don't .... Take comfoet in knowing you made most of me fire resistant. Hopefully you can salvage my core parts, if it comes to that." His eyes glowed brighter for a moment, before he exited throgh the door Pyro had.

He came upon her sitting on the floor, her face obscured by her arms, her body unmoving save for steady breathing. He awkwardly crouched down, his mechanical joints scraping and squeaking slightly.

"Hey. Good to see you're not dead or dying of embarassment." He reached out a hand, touching her arm hesitantly. He expected her to protest, but the words didn't come. Instead, he had to analyze her words twice over ro ensure he'd processed them properly.

"I'm sorry." She didn't immediately look up after speaking, her voice muffled by her arms. His hand weighed heavily on her mind, though his touch was light, his grip loose. When she did look up, she was surprised at his close proximity, his eyes dimmer than usual. If not for the wall behind her, she may have tumbled in surprise at his closeness. As it was, she audibly gasped, unaware his body could be positioned in such a...humanlike manner.

His hand immediately let go, and he scanned her face for signifiers of distress. She quickly recovered,

"Your position startled me. I didn't realize your joints allowed for such articulations. " He looked away,

" Hmm, yeah. Though I need to talk to Engie about lubrication. It's going to take a second for me to get back up. " She suddenly snorted, her face breaking into a huge grin,

" Did you have to phrase it like that?! Especially after what gadget you happened to be holding up moments ago?! Tact Scout, you need tact. " His frame shook, threatening to topple him over.

" I knew it would make you laugh. So yes, I had to." He stood up slowly, his frame creaking slightly, as metal pieces rubbed against one another. He held out a hand, pulling her to her feet. She braced herself against his frame for a moment, the fingers of her free hand splayed against his chestplate.

"You're warmee than I expected." She didn't look up until he let go of her hand.

"I dissapate heat constantly, I'm surprised you never noticed the ambient temperature increase around me." She had, but previously refrained from bringing it to his attention. She kept her hand where it was.

"I noticed. I just didn't want to point it out." His eyes scanned her face and hand, he didn't dare move for fear of breaking the moment.

"I'm sorry.... For what I said earlier." She didn't break eye contact as she apologized,

"I said some really rude things and treated you like shit for no reason." Her other hand balled into a tight fist at her side, her body trembling slightly.

"It's okay. I compared you to a cat when I first scanned you." She laughed, a free sort of laugh that he yearned to hear more often. He impulsively wrapped his arms around her, her body freezing up as he did so. His hold was loose considering his innate strength, but she was shocked, considering he'd not acted this way before.

She dwarfed him by several inches, but neither seemed to mind. He felt her slowly relax as the seconds ticked on. She felt subtle vibrations and realized she could feel the inner workings of his system through his chestplate. The rhythmic vibrations felt almost soothing in their own way.

"You did a mighty fine job smoothing things over I see." A voice chimed in from behind, causing both mercs to involuntarily startle. Pyro looked over and saw Engineer had peeked out the door of his workshop; a knowing smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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