Brimstone From Boston: Part 5

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She finished drawing the summoning circle, dusting her hands off on her work pants, and laying the chalk nearby. She was nearly out of materials (again), and she wasn't certain she could attempt another summoning soon if this one failed. She grabbed her grimoire, reciting the spell that'd been burned into her mind since the day they'd met six months earlier.

She finished the incantation and waited, restlessly pacing the area around the circle, her hands clutching the book as though her touch could will the spell into fruition. She'd been trying to weeks with no success. Every demon she summoned wasn't him, and they refused to aid her in finding him.

"Come on....Come on....Where are you? " She spoke mostly to herself, her gaze fixed on the circle, checking for any signs of someone coming through. She began reciting the incantation once more, when suddenly an orange ball of something was flung from within the circle. The form bounced off the invisible forcefield of the circle with a loud crack before the thing flopped back onto the floor. She'd shielded her eyes during the initial shock of orange light emminating from the circle. Upon opening them, she beheld a familiar lanky demon....

" Hey Firebug, it's bee awhile. Miss me-ugh! " she slammed into him hard, tackling him to the floor and inadvertently breaking the chalkline of the circle. She hugged him, clutching at his hair, his horns, any part she could touch in an attempt to ensure she wasn't simply dreaming.

" Damn toots, way to welcome a guy. I guess you -did- miss me." She straddled him as he lay on the floor, tears in her eyes and a fierce look on her face.

" Of course I missed you! Do you have any idea how many demons I had to bribe? How many wanted me to sleep with them, just so I could find out why I wasn't able to summon you?! Too. Many. " He looked upset at the mention of other demons trying to charm her to get what they felt they deserved.

" Who were they? Imma kill those grubby bastards if they even thought about touching you. Did they touch you? " He looked over her body, focusing intently on her arms and torso.

She gave an exasperated sigh,

"Calm down. Nobody touched me. There's no chance of me falling for their tricks." He sighed with relief,

"Oh thank god. I just got my claws sharpened, and I don't wanna break one off dealing with them." She stood up and offered him a hand, pulling him up so he stood before her. Just as the first time, he was a fraction of his usual size, barely taller than chest height. She figured that was intentional, as she knew he held a fondness for fondling her chest.

He sized her up, taking a keen interest in her "assets" as he did so. She quickly turned around, casually calling back as she walked across the room," you're welcome to stay for tea once you're done oggling." He scampered after her, using his magic to resize himself to his normal size.

He sat patiently at her desk as she went about readying the tea kettle, noting how she picked two seemingly themed mugs from the cupboard. One read "#1 Scout" and the other read "#1 Pyro". Each mug had a corresponding logo splashed across it, the design simple but distinctive.

He picked up a spare scrap of paper, his keen eyes roaming over her desk in search of a writing implement. There! He quickly snatched a stubby pencil from a cup sitting next to her grimoire and began doodling in earnest. Pyro quietly left (locking the door behind her), but swiftly returned, the kettle full of water. She flicked the switch to "on", then rifled through a cupboard for a few mokents before fishing out a large container of teabags.

Glancing over her shoulder, she half expected to see him staring at her ass. Surprisingly, she found him busy drawing something on a small scrap of paper. She peeked over his shoulder,

"Whatcha drawing?" He jumped a little, smoothing out his short hair before answering,

"Just combining your cup logos. Whaddya think? It's nothin' fancy, I just needed somethin' to do. " He pushed the paper towards her, watching her expression for any sense of her true thoughts on his drawing.

It depicted a fleetfooted Scout shoe, but the expected wing portion of the logo featured two small flames trailing off.

"It's beautiful. It suits you. You could almost say it suits me too." He rolled his eyes, a faint blush tinting his ruddy complexion.

"This doodle is nothin', I did it in like five minutes. Wait til you see my real projects."

The kettle whistled, jostling their attention away from one another.

"Which tea flavor would you like? There's cinnamon, mint, berry, lemon, earl grey, and vanilla." Scout pondered a mere moment before emphatically stating,

"Cinnamon." She grabbed an Earl Grey teabag and finished steeping the teas, bringing them over to the table, where Scout had already pulled out a chair for her. Both sipped in silence, content with eachother's company.

After some time, he spoke up,

"So why'd you summon me again? I mean, besides the fact that I blew your mind last time using only-" she held a finger to his lips,

"Ssssh!" She blushed,

"I said back then that I wanted to earn the honor of your True Name. That hasn't changed, but really....I've grown fond of your company."

Suddenly a large portal etched itself into a nearby wall, a strong orange light eminating from the symbols carved around it. The scent of brimstone, accompanied by a stern voice, filled the air.

"Sneaking off to the human world, again? What would your mother think? " The voice was snide, taunting, and self-assured. Scout quickly got to his feet, putting himself between Pyro and the portal. She peered over his shoulder, taking in the symbols, before quickly reaching for her grimoire that sat atoo thr bookshelf above the table.

"Shut up! Leave my Ma out of this! I already did what you wanted." He masked any fear he felt behind an air of certainty. He knew how to deal with his Father, namely how to appeal to his ego.

" At least you weren't a complete fool. I haven't seen one of her kind in decades. Bring her immediately. " Pyro frantically whispered into Scout's ear,

" What did you promise him? He's a Master level demon, there's nothing you have that he-" she looked stunned.

" Py. " She ignored him, rifling through the gtimoire, attempting to locate a spell to counteract the deal Scout had made.

Scout turned away from her, addressing the Being residing in the portal,

" I just need more time to prepare. Give me that, and I'll hold up my end of the deal." His shoulders sagged, his form appearing smaller and lacking the robust confidence he normally had.

The being in the portal spoke once more, its face and form remaining hidden,

"Fine. But don't dissppoint me again." With that, the portal closed, leaving the pair alone once more.

Scout x Fem Pyro DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now