Chapter 4

585 14 3

September 21st 2580

Not long after the UNSC made itself present on the Ark, many citizens of the Ark had mixed expressions about the UNSC some were skeptical, some were hopeful, and some were distrustful of the UNSC. On the UEG's side however, they more skeptical of the Unified Earth Government more than the UNSC, Nikkes who stumbled into a UEG camp were treated as if they were human by UEG workers much to the dismay of many within the Ark.

UEG Aid Station
New Haven

The UEG volunteers who had also came onboard the Destiny had already established an aid station providing free medical treatment, food, medicine, and the daily needs for the Arks citizens who direly needs them. The volunteers did not care how the Ark and it's citizens view them, if there are people in need then they give the best for the people and treated Nikkes and all as if they are equals.

 The volunteers did not care how the Ark and it's citizens view them, if there are people in need then they give the best for the people and treated Nikkes and all as if they are equals

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Dr. Fiona Schultz (UEG) (Arcadian)

Fiona: Your symptoms indicates that you have a Flu. I'll prescribe you paracetamol and ibuprofen, get enough rest and sleep, drink and eat plentifully, and keep yourself warm understand?

Ark Citizen (Young male): Y-Yes, thank doctor.

Fiona a UEG Doctor had just finished diagnosing an Ark Citizen for Flu and is writing down the medicine prescription.

Fiona: Here, give this to my fellow volunteer, they'll get you your medicine.

The Ark citizen then exits her office, almost immediately Fiona started working on a report. The Arcadian was a survivor of the Human-Covenant war along with her younger brother.


Fiona: Come in.

The door opens and an armored Spartan walks in.

Fiona: Jack, what brings you here?

Fiona: Jack, what brings you here?

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Cmdr. Jack Schultz (UNSC) (Arcadian)

Jack: Just got transfered here sis, hope you don't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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