Chapter 11

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Florian and I sat in front of the TV, watching a news broadcast about a new vaccine for the Brain Disease.

"We are very happy to announce that the Brain Disease vaccine is ready to be given to the public! It will not only protect you from the disease, but it will also heal those who are already sick! Just call the BDHD, Brain Disease Health Department, schedule an appointment, and come to the nearest health office to you, or you could order a Do-It-At-Home kit and it will come right to you! All those who are already sick will get a vaccine for free, and as soon as possible. They will then be returned to their family and friends once the vaccine takes effect." Then it went to ads.

It just seemed way too good to be true. There had to be something going on behind the scenes. Especially if the Medics created the disease. Yes, something was definitely up, and I was going to figure out what.

"So, Ivy?" Florian asked, knocking me out of my daydream, "What do you think? You know, about the vaccine?"

"I'm not sure, but something just feels off. The vaccine has to be part of their plan."

Florian seemed skeptical, "But we haven't actually confirmed that they made the disease. We need more proof."

I frowned as I answered him, "They poisoned me and Zayden. When we were walking to this city, we heard screams coming from the Brain Disease camp, and a sick man attacked us, and was asking for help. He said that someone was going to kill him. Now, who do you think that could be?" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "And what about that talk we heard in the Brain Disease building? Why were they talking about people dying? I don't think we need any more proof than what we already got."

Florian shrugged, "I just don't think it is enough to report to the police."

That sentence surprised me. "What do you mean the police? I thought they got outrun by the Medics."

"Not exactly. The police just aren't as necessary because HoverCars don't break traffic laws and Medics take anyone who is sick. The police can still be called if a robbery or some other crime happens, and they still are above the Medics when it comes to the law," Florian clarified.

"So, if we get enough evidence of their guilt, we could have them arrested?" I asked with excitement.

"Exactly." We went silent for a while, and I felt myself grow tired, though it wasn't from the disease because I was feeling much better, and it had only been a day since I had been taking the medicine, but I just felt exhausted. Probably all the stress. Unknowingly, I laid my head on Florian's shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around me. "How are you feeling?" He asked in a low voice. His expression looked slightly concerned.

"I feel fine. The medicine definitely worked. I'm just—" I paused to yawn, "just tired."

"Okay. Well, you rest then. You deserve it," Florian said so sweetly it made my eyes burn.

"Okay," I whispered, then I felt my eyes close.

"Hey, wake up."

I felt Florian nudging my shoulder. I groaned and sat up. "What's up? I asked groggily.

"There's someone here to see you. She says her name's Tessa or somethin'. She's in the dining room."

My heart felt like it would stop right then and there. Tessa, here? How could it be possible? Unless she was given the vaccine and it cured her. Maybe the vaccine was okay after all, and I was just being too paranoid.

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