Chapter 12

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After Florian's vaccine removal, I got my stitches removed, then we started toward the Police Station. Dr. Mercury called a HoverCar and the three of us packed inside it.

"So, what exactly are we going to tell the police?" Florian asked.

"Well, I'll show them the scanner and tell them what Malkin did. Not much more to it. If I miss anything when I talk to them, make sure to let me know."

I wasn't paying much attention to their conversation, instead, I layed against the side of the car, my arms acting as a pillow. It was only the afternoon, but I felt exhausted. Maybe it was because of how stressed out

I felt. It was making me feel sick. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I tried to tell myself we were going to be fine, but for some reason, that only made it worse.

"Ivy? Are you okay?" I felt Florian touching my arm gently.

Warmth burst through my arm at his touch. I turned toward him and nodded, "Yah, sorry."

Florian frowned but didn't push.

About thirty minutes later, we arrived at the Police Station, and Dr. Mercury led us through the door.

The inside was brighter than I expected. The walls were painted baby blue and there were wooden doors that led into different rooms along the hallway. At the end of the hallway was a desk with a female officer on the other side of it.

"Hello guys! What can I do for you?" the officer asked cheerfully.

"Hey, my name is Trinton Mercury. I'm a friend of Chief Quinn, and I really need to talk to him. It's an emergency."

The officer's smile didn't fade, but I did spot a strange glint in her eye as she nodded and beckoned us to follow her, "Sure thing! Right this way."

We followed the officer into a room with a wooden door. A plaque was hanging from it, and it read "Chief Edriet Quinn". It must've been his office.

The officer opened the door, and let us in. "Chief. These people said they have an emergency they need to speak to you about." As she walked out, I could've sworn she winked toward the Chief, but maybe I just imagined it.

The Chief smiled, but for some reason it looked menacing. His black hair and tan skin didn't help the picture. My suspicions were confirmed when the Chief spoke, "Thank you, Trinton, for your beautiful work today. Here's your reward." The Chief threw a bag toward the doctor. I could hear chips jangling inside of it. Dr. Mercury caught it and smiled in the Chief's direction. "Thank you sir."

"What is going on here?" Florian asked, and I could hear a tinge of annoyance in his tone.

"Do you really think Malkin would allow the Chief of Police and the head doctor in the city to be against him? Of course he would hire people on his side. And how do you think your little friend of yours that was creating cures got figured out?" the Chief asked, amused.

"What do you want with us?" I fumed.

"What I want is for both of you to stay very still. I promise this won't hurt a bit." The Chief stood up and pulled a flower out from a vase on his windowsill. "This will be very easy for you guys if you don't resist. All I want you to do is smell this flower."

I stared at the flower, knowing I had seen it somewhere before. Florian was also staring at it, but he seemed to know exactly what it was.

"I'm not breathing that in. That's a Ranulen flower. It'll knock us unconscious!"

"Yes, I know, and that's exactly what I want to happen. Do it now, or I'll hurt your little girlfriend."

The word "girlfriend" ran through my head, but I quickly pushed it away and moved my attention back to the problem at hand. The man had moved behind me and placed the knife blade against my neck, and his arms had wrapped around me, holding me still. I could feel his breath against my ear.

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