PART :- 7

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Y/n's POV:-

"You can stay with us." J-hope said.

"Thank you but I can't stay with you." I said.

"Why?? See I can't let you stay anywhere." Jungkook said and went out.

How can I tell them that I can't. I don't want to cause any trouble for them....

After Jungkook others started walking and I followed them. I sat in the car.

This car is so cool.

"Hey I have a idea." Taehyung said from back seat.

"What??" Jimin asked him. He was sitting next to him.

"Y/n, as you don't want to go to your home so you can work at our company and from behalf of the company you can stay at our mansion. How's it?!!" Taehyung said excitedly.

"But-----" I wanted to say something but J-hope in between said.

"That's good." He said.

"Oh so you can think something good too." Jin said.

"But-----" This time I was cut by Jungkook who was at the driver's seat.

"That's nice. So y/n what you think??" He said looking at me.

I saw their faces expecting me to say yes.

"Okay fine." I said.

Actually it's not a bad Idea to work with them. Also I need a job now.

Jungkook started the car.

"Let's go and first buy some dresses for you." Jungkook said while driving.

"There's no need. I have plenty of them." I replied

"You don't have them now." Suga said and Jungkook headed to the mall.

"I will buy some suits." Taehyung said.

We went to the mall. I selected some dresses, Jungkook helped me to select some. And we went to the cash counter.

"Would you like to pay in cash?"

"No I will use card." I said.

"Wait, I will pay." Jungkook said.

"No I will." I forcefully gave my card to the cash counter.

"Sorry mam but this card is declined."

"What??" I said

"Let me pay." Jungkook said.

We went to car and headed towards the mansion. I was thinking about the card.

The car stopped and everyone stepped out. We went inside.

Damn this house is damn so huge.
Also it's so beautiful.

"Let me show you your room." Jungkook said and I followed him.

We came infront of a room. He opened the door and we entered.

"If you need anything let me know." He was about to go but turned to me and said,"also get ready fast. There is the bathroom." He said.

"Why??" I asked him.

"You wanted to work in our company, right? So let's make a visit." He replied and I nodded. He continued......

"You can work from tomorrow or whenever you want." He said and went out.

I took a quick shower and wore the dress brought from the mall.

The dress:-

The dress:-

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