Chapter 2

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I forgot to say this at the beginning, but everything that's in cursive like this, are the thoughts of the characters at that moment. Enjoy:)
-Conan's POV-

I unlocked the door, thinking no one was at home. To my surprise, I saw mom sitting at the kitchen table while staring at her laptop and snacking on some carrots.

"Hi Conan," she greeted me.
"Hi mom," I exchanged her welcoming smile.
"How was school today, honey?" she asked me to which I responded with an exaggerated 'boring'.

"What are you working on?" I pointed to her laptop, "Is it another book? I can't keep track of them."
"No, I'm still struggling with the writing of this one. You know, the horror book I wanted to try out, because I've been stuck on romance only. This isn't easy, though."
"That's probably, because you've never written a horror book before. You'll get through this," I was on my way to my room, but then snapped with my fingers and turned around to face her, "Also, I promise, I'll read this book. I love horror, unlike adult romance. Sorry mom," I said, giving her an apologetic look and tilting my head to the side.

I love my mom, but I just can't read her cheesy romance books she writes. I tried. I really did, but especially the fact that it's always about adults makes me feel weird.

When I entered my room, I threw my bag to the side and immediately laid down on my bed to rest a bit. However, something specific couldn't leave my mind. Or more like, someone. That one nice girl I have awkward eye contact with almost every day.


What's her deal?

Does having eye contact mean anything? I have eye contact with so many people on a daily basis, by coincidence and because I'm curious. It feels different with Bian, though. Am I just overreacting? I mean she never has gone out of her way to talk to me. Until now, we've just been good, I guess. It's not like I don't know anything about her. She's nice, a good student... also helpful and she's friends with the girl David seems to be interested in.

She also has a cute smile.

Which is a completely normal thing to notice and think about.

I should stop being delusional. Bian and I have never had one decent conversation, thus it is not possible for any of us to catch feelings, because there is basically nothing we brought to the table, right?

I realised that I was having an argument with myself, which was embarrassing, so I got up and started doing homework, because, for whatever reason, every teacher is fully convinced that their class is our only one.


"Conan, honey, dinner is ready!" my mom yelled from the kitchen, which probably meant I had to set the table, but it was okay, since she made dinner.

"Oh, hi dad," I waved at my dad in surprise. I hadn't noticed him arriving from work, "How was your day?"
"Exhausting. I had to substitute 5th graders today and gosh. Let's just say, I hope they do not act like that at home," he said sounding worn out.
"5th graders are surely a challenge, but they eventually grow out of it," I stopped to rethink my statement, "Most of them, at least."

After I set the table and we started to eat, something crossed my mind, again. Something that happened today at lunch.

I had caught Bian looking in my direction, before she tried to trick me. When the realization hit her, she moved her eyes carefully to my right, pretending to look at something else, but I knew I wasn't crazy.

Did she stare at me intentionally? Or was she just zoning out, which made her feel embarrassed? Was the eye contact an entire coincidence and I'm the only one speculating?

I saw her cheeks turning into a light pink. That had made me smile, which is strange thinking about it now, because why am I smiling? Whatever it was, she was definitely not leaving my mind.

"Conan!" my mom called me.
"Huh? What?" I asked in confusion. I didn't know if they had called my name multiple times by then. Bian, this is all your fault.
"Why are you acting like you're mentally in another universe?" my dad asked me, raising his eyebrow.
"Sorry, I wasn't listening."
"We noticed that, son."


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