Chapter 3

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-Bian's POV-

I was walking into the classroom when I noticed him. Conan Jerôme Pearson. The boy I've liked since last winter and for whom I developed a staring problem, too. Well, you can't really blame me, right? Isn't it normal to stare at people you like?

Bian, be careful. You don't want to give off stalker vibes and you know what happens if you do.

I headed towards my desk when all of a sudden Conan stood up and looked in my direction. I turned around just in case his eyes were on something else behind me, but there was nothing and I couldn't stop panicking, as he moved his feet towards me.

Oh my god, nonono. This isn't happening. Did I stare too long. Does he think I'm crazy now? Can I just vanish if I believe in it enough?

"Can we talk?" I looked up to see him standing in front of me. "Sure."

I followed him all the way behind the school. Why do we have to literally hide?
"Is it going to take long?" I asked, "Class starts in about 10 minutes."
"No, I just want to say something really quick."

He seemed nervous. He wasn't even looking at me-not that I did at him, but it was strange.

"So... I don't really know how to start, but— hey, I like your hair."

What? I had tied up my short hair into two pigtails. This wasn't really impressive, but I actually appreciated the compliment.

"Oh okay... I mean, thank you, of course," I stuttered. Wow, Bian. You are so good at this.
"The reason I wanted to talk with you is... I think I," he was hesitant. Come on, finish the sentence.

"I like you."

I froze. Did I hear him right? Of course I did, I don't have hearing problems.

He took a step and another. Wait, what is happening right now? I automatically moved closer too, because I believe that's what I was supposed to do.

Now, our faces were just an inch apart. I could feel his breath, hear his and also my heartbeats. He is for real.
"You mean it?" I asked. I still had to make sure.
"I-I do. I really do," he stared straight into my eyes.

Unintentionally, my eyes flickered down to his lips. I immediately looked up to his eyes, but noticed them looking at the direction of my mouth. Do I kiss him now? Wait, I can't just give away my first kiss. It can't be happening so spontaneously.

However, Conan already gave in.

I woke up, I woke up, because everything was a dream. No, it felt so real. I couldn't believe that it was just a dream. I slammed my pillow into my face and screamed. Not literally, though, it wasn't worth pissing off my mom. After lying in bed for 10 more minutes, I decided that it's maybe time to get ready for school.
I put on a blue mom jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt and the cardigan I didn't let my sister wear today. I love this cardigan.

I saw my mom preparing porridge for me in the kitchen, on which I couldn't pass, because even though I don't feel like eating at 7 am, I didn't want my stomach to growl during class.

That, unfortunately, already happened multiple times. When the class was silent.

Brushing my teeth and putting my hair into two low ponytails, I took my coat, my bag, my phone and my headphones and went into the hallway.
"Mom, I'm leaving!" I yelled not knowing where she was. "Okay, stay safe!" she yelled back from, I guess, my parents bedroom. "I will," I mumbled out quietly, shoved my keys into my pocket and then left the apartment.

Going down the staircase, I took my headphone out and plugged them into my phone as well as my ears to immediately relax while listening to some music. I don't think I would survive public transportation otherwise.

Even on the bus, could I not stop thinking about my 'too good to be true'-dream.

Just as I entered the campus, I saw Conan standing under a leafless tree and I couldn't help but think about the dream. Again. I it true that the people you dream about, see you in their dreams as well? Did he see me? Oh my god, what if I killed him over food? Or maybe I slept with his dad? Bian, shut the fuck up. I was probably in one of his forgotten dreams.

"Bian!" Did someone call me? I turned around to check and saw Conan running towards me. Déjà vu.

"Hi. I wanted to tell you something." Wow, someone's getting straight to the point.
"Hi." Oh god, it sounded weird.
"I'm sorry I came so suddenly-," he stopped for a second, looking at my head?, "I like your hair by the way."
"Uhm, thank you," I responded to his compliment that made me heat up and for the thousandth time reminded me of my dream.
"Anyway, I think you should hear me out," he stated, looking nervous.
"Sure, we can talk."

I followed him until he turned around. I must say, he looked extremely serious, which made more nervous than I already was.

"So, you know, my first class is maths and Isabella— wait, you know who I mean, right?"
"Oh yeah. I have some classes with her together." I didn't know what he had to say to me about Isabella. I mean, we were friends once, but that was long ago.
"Alright. As I said, I have maths with Isabella and today when I was sitting I overheard her talking with her friends. I don't know how to put it. I just want you to know that she said..."

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