Chapter 6

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-Bian's POV-

I woke up for another boring day. Well, not exactly boring with all the drama I'm trapped in. I didn't know what would face me and I simply didn't want to know it. I was afraid of the attention I would get and the trouble I'd be in. Many wouldn't understand just how terrified I am because of this situation.

At school, I felt eyes on me coming especially from upper classes, since Sebastian is a senior while I'm a junior. He must have told everyone. As I was heading towards my locker, I spotted Farhan coming from the opposite direction.

He stopped at his locker, which was a sign to make my way to him. I tapped him on the shoulder, since that's my preferred approach due to my inability to speak loudly enough.

"Oh, hi," he said. Even if he isn't known for being the biggest speaker, one thing I noticed about him is that he always smiles when he talks-in a really natural way, so it doesn't seem forced.

Bian, focus. You can't be like this every time someone is just being nice, which is the bare minimum. You're here to ask him about the project.

After escaping my little voice, I began to speak, "You know about the maths project, right? If you're not in a group yet, do you want to join mine? We still need someone."

"Why me?" he asked, which was totally out of pocket. What kind of question is that?
"I mean, umm, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just asking," I said, clearly offended by his attempted interrogation.
"No, no, I'm sorry," he waved his hands in front of him, "I just wanted to know why me out of all people."

I guess that was an understandable question he wanted to clear out, but I wasn't asking him to be my sidekick and help me save the world. I didn't entirely understand why I had to justify my offer.

I inhaled a long breath and said, "Because out of all people, you are someone that actually does some work. Also, you're good at maths, aren't you?" I said.
"Alright," he closed his locker, "I'm in. See you in maths later. Sorry if I offended you by the way," he said, turned around and left.

After one fairly good history lesson with a super nice girl called Victoria and one insufferable psychology lesson with Isabella and Christina, I could finally escape to Maddy. At recess, she got called in by a teacher and I had to awkwardly stand outside of the room, leaning against the wall with hands behind my back, because what else would I do?

However, every person I didn't want to meet, passed by me. Be it Isabella, Christina, Sebastian, Nick or the others that were in psychology yesterday. Do I look like some new found species?

Since I was giving them all dirty looks, I accidentally rolled my eyes at Conan who was also passing by. I quickly changed my expression and put on a plain smile, but he didn't see it. Fuck, now he thinks I hate him.

After recess, we were to start our maths project. It was about some genius and we had to explain how we came up with a maths-formula and prove it. I'm actually pretty good at maths, so I volunteered to do the research. Farhan would help me and Maddy said she could decorate the placate.

"Oh, but you, Bian, are doing the writing, because my handwriting is shit," she said, making me laugh. I agreed, since I loved writing anyway.

I don't know if I was imagining it, but throughout the entire class, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I expected it from everyone but from him.


Oh my goodness, imagine if Conan looked at me this intense. I smiled to myself, avoiding a giggle.Wait, what does this mean coming from him, though?

He couldn't be in love with me, because that's just not possible.

I'm pretty sure I don't have anything on my face.

Oh my god.

Did he- did he hear about the Sebastian thing? He couldn't possibly believe it, right? I couldn't possibly give someone I don't know this kind of impression, right? Am I the quiet girl, now, that turned into a monster you hear about in those reddit stories. The ones that act innocent, but actually aren't? Was that the reason why he questioned me earlier?

Was he ashamed of being in a group with me? That can't be. He joined my group by choice, though. Otherwise he-

"Everything okay?" I got shaken out of my overly worrying thoughts when I heard Farhan.
"What?" Bian, that was stupid, "I mean, of course everything's okay," I cleared my throat.
"Alright, it just looked like the other way," he smiled. Is this guy making fun of me or am I just really bad at interpreting my peers?

The time we had been given wasn't enough, but our teacher still insisted on us being ready for next time, which would be after this weekend. That meant, we would have to meet up somehow to get it done and I wasn't happy about spending hours out of school to finish a useless project.

After leaving the classroom, I realized that I still had about 4 more classes. I'm gonna cry.

As I was heading towards the bus stop after this unnecessarily long Friday, Farhan came in my direction.
"So, do we meet up or what? For the project I mean."
"Probably, I'm sure Maddy will create a group chat and we can discuss it there," I nodded and he, he just smiled, in a weirdly cute way.

Oh my god, Bian. You know sometimes you have to learn to keep your mouth shut and your thoughts in order.

"Bian!" I heard someone yell my name.

Who's that person that's calling for Bian?🤔

Stay tuned:)

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