Thanks to Them - pt. 1

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A/n, right now is Luz when she's at school, a dayish after she had her "he should have never existed" outburst. This is because that's during the time Hunter normally touches the Belos goo, or around that time, and I want the timeline to be similar/the same.


Luz's POV:

Heading to my next class per usual, I felt a small shove coming from my side, as well as a snarky voice yelling, "Watch it, nerd!" Sighing, I pause to get behind the bitch who had shoved me: Amanda. I then proceeded to try walk to my next class.

However, Amanda whipped around with a grin as soon as the hall was void of any teachers. "Hey, Luzer." She wouldn't back down from the nonexistent battle I so-called threatened her to. Amanda had always been like this since before I left to the Boiling Isles.

"What do you want, Amanda," I gave her a cold glare. "You run the school at this point. What could a 'powerful' girl like you want with me?" I know she wants to pick on me, but I would rather get under her skin. It would honestly be funny.

"What I want is for you to make sure you stay out of my way from here on out, alright? Unless you can't comprehend that, No-brain-a," she snarled at me, trying to intimidate. All I actually did was hold in a laugh. Had I actually been afraid of this bitch a while back?

I snap back with my reply, "And what I want is a peaceful day away from dumbasses like you. But we all can't get what we want, can we?" I grin as Amanda's face turned from one of triumph to one of shock.

"What- you- urg!" Amanda made a poor attempt to shove me into the floor. I easily dodged, having faced worse, especially from Belos.

I glare down at her, "Now can I get to class or do I need to humiliate you further?" I could basically hear the girl's growl. I smiled and began to walk to class when I was suddenly pulled to the ground by someone grabbing on my ankles. I fell hard, mainly because I wasn't expecting it, and scraped my knee on the floor.

"You're not getting away after that, Luzer," Amanda growled, getting up and trying to kick at me. I sighed and dodged easily again. Her angered look kept me messing with her for another few seconds. She had tried multiple things; scratching, biting, kicking; but none of which worked. I dodged one last time as Amanda lunged, watching as she slammed into some lockers.

"Can you not get it through that thick skull of yours? You can't scare me anymore. I'm heading to class." I then proceeded to flip her off and rush to class, just barely missing the late bell.

Just then, I remember I scraped my knee due to the slight stinging sensation I felt. I looked down to see how bad it was; nothing much, just an average scrape that took away a layer of skin or two. The only resemblance of blood was the slight amount coming from the bottom of the scrape. Deciding I would be good for the rest of the day without needing to bandage it, I actually started paying attention to the class.


Timeskip - when Luz arrived home from school and after Hunter told her he saw Belos as they enter the shed

Following Hunter into the shed, I try to turn the lights on. They then flicker before shutting off. They must be out.

My train of thought is interrupted by Hunter exclaiming, "All right, Belos! What's about to happen should be relatively painless, if you just do what we say."

I then grin under the mask, deciding to go along with him. "That's right! So come out with your hands behind your creepy, dumb head!"

After hearing the eerie silence for another moment, I nudged Hunter's arm slightly and continued on, him following not too far behind. I then felt a cold and gooey-feeling substance run up my leg, stopping at my scrape. I snap my head down but find nothing on my leg. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I was probably tricking myself anyways.

Hunter looked at me with what I assumed was a raised brow under the mask. "You alright?" he whispered.

Nodding, I reply, "Yeah. Just thought I felt something but I think I was imagining it." Hunter nodded to me and we continued onward.

As we headed down towards the basement, I heard slight movements. The wardrobe came into view; it was shaking, as if something inside was moving. Hunter and I glanced at each other before approaching the wardrobe. I open it as Hunter and I both gasp.

It was an opossum.

We both sigh in relief as I say, "Oh, thank goodness. It's just a little angel." I then close the wardrobe and lean against it.

"No one's here. I guess it was just in my head," Hunter replied, giving a small and nervous chuckle.

"Well," I start, "Can't blame you for being paranoid after everything we've been through."

Nodding agreement, he replies, "Yeah. You know, I just wanna make sure everyone's safe."

"Same." I pause for a second before continuing with, "And that includes you too."

Hunter turns to me and although I can't see his expression I can tell he was taken off guard by my statement as he asks, "What?"

Chuckling lightly, I reply, "Yeah. Gonna make sure you're safe too, Hunter. You're family now."

"Oh." I watch as Hunter chuckled as well. However, he began crying after a few seconds. I look up at him sympathetically, letting him lean on my shoulder as he cries. He only cried for about a few seconds before he took his mask off, stating, "This mask is pretty gross now."

We share a small laugh together. However, I paused when I felt a small burning sensation once more in my knee. I itched it slightly, the sensation subsiding for now. "We should probably get back before anyone worries," I state.

He nodded agreement, replying, "Yeah. Everything's okay. Belos is gone."

With that, we head back to the house, making small talk on our way.


A/n - this is the end of the first half of my version of Thanks to Them. There's going to be a time skip, as the rest of the story is the same as the actual episode up until they get off of the hayride. I'll explain more about that in the intro of the next part.

Word count (including a/n's) - 1112

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