Thanks to Them - pt. 2

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A/n - this part is as stated in the last - it's a timeskip from where last chapter ended to when the gang gets off the hayride. The only difference is that Luz had started getting really paranoid and kept "imagining" Belos' voice but hid it from everyone other than Hunter so the storyline here makes sense.


Luz's POV

As we step off the hayride, I look towards the woods. I heard Belos' voice once more, quiet but certain. I was going to ignore it.

That was until I saw the blue gleaming eyes staring directly into my soul.

Squeaking slightly, I grabbed Hunter's arm and took him to hide with me behind the hay tractor, Stringbean and Flapjack following close behind. "It's him, Hunter!- I saw him- I don't think he was just in our heads," I cautiously whispered. Turning towards the woods again, I notice the ice blue eyes are gone. But they were there a second ago?

"What?? Where?" Hunter asked, looking around frantically.

"He seems gone now, but I swear I saw him. Or, his eyes at least. And I'm pretty sure I heard him too. I'm just not sure what he would be doing here," I trailed off, trying to think of an explanation. However, Hunter then lightly gasps and looks at me with a shocked expression.

"I think I know..." He muttered. I urged him to continue with a small confused look. He sighed, replying, "Titan's Blood. I wasn't supposed to say anything, but the group and I found a scroll with a secret code, and Amity's pretty sure it's a map to find some."

Looking at him in shock, I muster, "What?? Why didn't anyone tell me?"


A/n - sorry to do this so suddenly but I just wanted to try a 3rd person perspective pov so I'm swapping it 😭-


3rd person POV

Hunter looked towards Luz with a smile, replying, "Well, we were thankful to you and Camila for housing us so we decided to make it a surprise. Tonight's, to be exact."

Luz gave a nervous smile. They thought of her so highly? "That's so greaaaat-" she nervously replied. Her surprise was nothing short of sorrowful, but she knew what had to be done to keep everyone safe.

Hunter snapped Luz out of her thoughts by asking Flapjack, "Could you get the Reebus (idk how to spell it 😭-) for us, Flap?" Flapjack chirped in protest, Hunter replying, "I know bud, but-"

Hunter was cut off and shoved out of the way as Luz basically growled, "Did you not hear him? Get. The. Reebus." Unbeknownst to her, Luz's eyes flashed a dangerous icy blue.

Hunter sat back up beside Luz with an angry and confused expression, asking, "What was that for??"

Luz furrowed her brows and looked back to Hunter. "I-I'm sorry- I don't know what came over me-"

Hunter seemed to be readying a retort, but stopped when Flapjack flew back over and dropped the Reebus into Luz's hands. Smiling nervously, Luz decided she should apologize. "Sorry little fella, I'm not sure why I snapped like that." Flapjack's reply was a small snuggle against Luz's cheek, along with a chirp.

Then, Luz and Hunter sneak off into the woods.


Traveling through the woods seemed to be a challenge. Hunter and Luz were both jumping slightly at every noise.

Just then, Luz feels another itchy feeling coming from her knee. She tries to itch it through the fabric, but when that doesn't work she rolls the pant up. Luz raised a brow as she touched the green substance being emitted from her leg. "What..." Luz jumps again as she hears a noise, turning towards it. "Hunter!- Over there!" she yells, dropping her bag as she gave chase to "Belos."

"What- Luz, wait!" Hunter yelled, grabbing Luz's bag before trying to follow her and Stringbean.

A few minutes later, Hunter paused, panting. "I don't know where they went, Flap- without the Reebus I can't properly find her." He suddenly gets an idea, reaching into Luz's bag and pulling out a light glyph. He taps it, watching as it activated.

Flapjack chirped at Hunter and rushed to follow as Hunter continued to light up glyphs, the light ball slowly growing in size as he neared the Titan's Blood.


Luz ran. She ran until she couldn't anymore, and even then she had to swim. She didn't know where she was headed, but she knew when she got to the other side of the water that something was wrong.

She hissed in pain as she felt her head pound. Falling to her knees, Luz paused. She felt herself chuckle.

Then it all went black.


Hunter grabbed an ice glyph when he got near the water. He activated it, making an ice bridge for him to walk over. "Luz? Are you okay? Did you actually see him?"

There was a moment of pause before he reply came. "No, I was imagining it again, apologies. But according to the Reebus, the Titan's Blood should be near. I'll search for Stringbean, and you search for the blood, alright? She got a little... spooked."

Hunter raised a brow at Luz's odd behavior but shrugged it off as paranoia. "Yeah, alright." The next few moments of silence were tense. Luz seemed to be getting more aggressive, unbeknownst to Hunter.

When he found Stringbean, he noticed she looked horrified. Flapjack sat next to her and chirped. "Hey Luz..? Any idea what spooked Stringbean so badly? I don't see anything around that would averagely upset a Palisman this much."

Luz ignored Hunter's question. "Did you find the blood or the Palisman?"

Hunter turned around, "The Palisman?? Not sure why it matte-" He cut himself off as he looked up in shock to see horns sprouting from "Luz"'s head. "What in the..."

"Come on, Hunter," came the reply, "Be a good Guard and get Uncle his Titan's Blood, alright?" Then there was a small chuckle as everything clicked.

This wasn't Luz.


A/n - I know this chapter ends on a bit of a cliffhanger and doesn't finish the full episode but I have to get a chapter out as I don't have time to write much more. Plus, this chapter was more than long enough anyways.

Word count w/ a/n's - 1043

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